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Well thats all the coolant drained and everything disconnected the engine now just sitting on the mounts, getting a loan of a foldable engine crane at the weekend so will have her hauled out on sunday 👍👍


Cheers savage will post pics as i go along and yeah i remember about the pivot pin been told to use an 8mm bolt and a set of visegrips to remove it should have it out on sunday, by any chance do you know the thickness of the head gasket for a v1 wrx? As there's a few sizes out there 😉👍


I know the cylinder head chambers are 46cc on v1 heads but i dont know the piston crown bowl size on the wrx pistons .

Ideally you'd need the average "deck height" once rebuilt and make allowances for a block /head skim (if it needs doing).

If its just a oe spec rebuild luke at import car parts will probably be able to tell you what size headgasket you need by reg or engine number .

Stretch to the cost of a set of "stopper gaskets " if posible [emoji6]

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Aye was already planning on giving icp.a call with the engine code, will look into these stopper gaskets thanks again for you're advice savage will keep the post updated on my progress 👍👍👊


She's out folks......





Now I'll get it to the workshop and potter around with it at my pleasure, going to order the gaket set at the end of the month and I'll also need to get a couple engine mounts as they fell to bits when i lifted the engine out 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Started to pull the engine to bits today, began with removing the headers


Then moved on to removing the crank pulley and taking off the cambelt cover, lined up the oe timing marks then removed the cambelt and when i did the cams moved round but not to worry as have to take off cam sprockets and remove cam shafts to gain access to the head bolts 


Now i took the rocker covers and the rear sections of the cambelt covers, then the half moons that hold the cams in however watch for the location of each half moon they are stamped to indicate which cylinder they relate to with an arrow pointing to the front of the engine 


20180127_125711.thumb.jpg.f402358e4beca5258ef37400c4cc0035.jpg and this is as far as i got today just the inlet manifold to remove now before taking the heads off, this is the first time i've worked on one of these engines so its a bit of a learning curve as i go along but its also been a pleasure so far 😉😉👍👍

Edited by stuartie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the heads off today straight after work, getting them skimmed and the valves ground and re-seated hopefully this weekend



Couldn't really see any fault with the gaskets however all the coolant channels are full of rusty gunk so will get its all washed out and sparkly clean so that can only be a good thing, i have ran in to a slight problem though the banjo bolt which holds on the coolant pipe at the rear of the right hand head just above the oil return from the turbo is rotten and has broken off in to the head see pic


Does anyone have any ideas of how to remove it, steel bolts in to alloy seem to have a tendency to be pretty tight, i was either going to put it in the parts washer at work and hope the heat will expand the alloy or give it to the blacksmiths and see if they can do anything with it, any other suggestions would be gratefully received 😉👍


Dropped the heads off at the engineers today for skimming, decoke and valve grinding/reseating also managed to get the broken banjo out with a little heat and weld which was a relief, should get the heads back next week then its time for the rebuild 😁👍


Thanks savage 👍, i must admit it has been a real pleasure so far apart from the broken banjo and watching as the blacksmith at work set about getting it out i had to turn away at one point as he was welding a nut on to get it out thought i was going to turn around and the head was just going to be a melted alloy blob on the bench 😂, i have also broken off the little vacuum pipe to the fpr but not to worried about that as have piping at the workshop which will fit, i will keep updating when the heads return and i begin to rebuild 😉👍

  • 2 weeks later...

Heads are getting there should hopefully get them back this weekend, the place thats doing them only does the cash jobs on a sarurday as they got lots of engine rebuilds through out the week, can't really complain getting them done for a great price 



Looking good 😁👍

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got the heads back eventually after all that snow 


Also a big box of goodies from import car parts  ( big thanks to luke for being really helpful and sorting me out ) so the rebuild will start this weekend before i start my well earned week off 👍

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Got the heads back on today but thats all as the wife has a list of stuff for me to do while the weather is decent 



And if anyone is interested i have the torque settings for the heads, 

1- tightening order starting in the middle      3 1 6                                                                                           5 2 4

2- tighten all to 29NM

3-tighten all to 69NM

4- back off 180 degrees

5- back off another 180 degrees

6- tighten all to 29NM

7- tighten all 80-90 degrees

8- tighten all 40-45 degrees

9- tighten bolts 1and2 40-45 degrees

DO NOT EXCEED 90 degrees 

Camshaft journals 8mm bolts 18ft/lbs

Flywheel bolts 55ft/lbs

Crankshaft pulley 101ft/lbs

Camshaft pulleys 61ft/lbs 

Hope this comes in useful to someone in the future 👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the cams back on today after work 




Top tip take loads of pics so you get the cams back in the same position as when they came off 👍

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Nice work , I'd love to be at this stage [emoji41]

But what with my birthday, easter , far cry 5 and a dose of man flu i haven't done much "scooby" lately [emoji849]


Thanks buddy 👍and hope you had a nice birthday 😉, yes i have been following you're thread on the current build will be good to see it all going back together, i should have mine mostly back in one piece on Saturday as long as the weather this far north stays fairly warm and i don't have to go out fixing sh*tty gritters, i also feel you're pain mate i had a week off last week and had the man flu i'm still recovering from it now i've been ok all winter out in all weathers and the week i'm off i'm screwed fecking sods law 


Got the rocker covers and inlet manifold back on today its finally starting to look like an engine again 


however as i was putting everything back together i noticed i've broken the little plastic thingy that the crankcase breather pipes go on to just at the back of the engine near where the turbo is so had to take that off and hopefully i can glue it back together with this resin stuff we have in the workshop but thats for monday night after work 👍

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Thats the new clutch fitted and the new timing belt tensioner on, i also managed to repair the crankcase breather F shaped coupling ( thats the best way of trying to explain it haha ), reattached the fuel pipes to the fuel rail after fitting the yellow injectors, thats it for tonight should get the timing belt on tomorrow and possibly heatwrap the headers before i get them back on, i also bought some newage coilpacks with pigtails last night off the bay so waiting for them to come 👍


Got the new up-pipe on to the headers and them half heatwrapped 👍 then had to go out on a breakdown 😡


The new timing belt on now what a wee ar*e that was glad i never had to do it while it was still in place mind not many trucks going about with timing belts on so can count on one hand how many timing belts i've done and the last one i done was about 10years ago 


Just the covers and pulley to go on and spark plugs to fit then hopefully i can find out how to wire in these newage coilpacks once the arrive oh aye and heatwrap the rest of the headers and up-pipe coz a never bought enough to do them all 👍👍

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Cheers mate i'm finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel 😂, its definitely been a labour of love, should have it back in next week at some point 👍

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