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I am after some advice on a issue I have?


I have a 2018/2019 XVB here in the UK and going to dealership this Monday for the second service before winter and to ask them to look into a grinding noise i get at 7mph but only occurs when the car been sitting for bit.

This started about 3-6 months after having the car and car would have to sit overnight for grinding noise (bit like break descent control but not as loud) to occur (at that time, I thought it was brakes sticking as you could see rust on brake disk) but now it occuring after car been sitting for about 5 minutes now.

It louder when driving forward vs driving in reverse.

Dealership are unable to locate noise and a few of them said they can not hear it - which u cant in a noisy environment or if got radio on.


Any idea why it always 7mph? Could it be Multi Plate Clutch Pack engaging?

I am unable to pinpoint the noise and sounds louder inside the car than out.




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My dads needed a new wheel bearing alot sooner than expected circa 18 months/2 years so worth getting that checked out. See what the dealer finds and go from there 🙂

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I would suggest that grinding noise (which my Subaru Impreza has suffered from) would be bearing and or caliper. 

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Did it rain overnight before the noise appeared. Disk could have rusted and this makes a noise with your pad compound. The grinding noise only occurs when coming to complete stop, 10 mph or below. I have this issue with PFC pads and my disks. Just take it out for a good blast and all silent again. It comes back on mine but the 30 minute stop start daily commute cause this. I was concerned but after working it out it no longer bothers me, and if it does I just go for a spirited drive. Just a thought.


Cheers all for the feedback.

The other night, pulled up to a ATM, got back in car and grind noise at 7mph again.  I am hoping the can fix it and other issues I got now (seat creaks/cracks when turning right, the odd metal rattle noise (like a old heat shield on a exhaust, where one corner came loose) and see if they can water shield boot button (as last winter it froze solid and took 6 hours before I could open boot).


Hope I don't get a another Mitsubishi loaner - would love a Outback loner. 😁


If it only does it after being parked up for a while I would guess at the electric handbrake not releasing fully or the rear pads sticking a little.

You could try taking it for a spin then parking up without the handbrake, just leaving it in Park, and then seeing if it still makes the noise the next time you drive it? (This doesn't explain the 7 mph bit, of course!)



I've had another thought...

Do you keep "Hill Start Assist" on? The 7 mph bit may be something to do with when the system fully releases the handbrake?

Good luck and I hope you get it sorted tomorrow!


I left it just in park mode (no hand brake on), same thing. I been planning to park on a hill for a bit and drive in neutral to rule out CVT etc.

It's in service in a few hours, so we see how it goes.


Well that's probably ruled out the handbrake, at least.

Did you get any joy from the dealers?


Not really, they said its from 'Front brake discs being lipped' but I had this issue 3 months after purchasing car; where issue would take 12 hours to reoccur, it now only takes 5 minutes.
I had asked, so would this not be covered by warranty since a few hundred miles had only went on the clock? No, wear and tear.

When issue got worse and only occured after the car had been standing overnight - Subaru had the car for two days and issue was not found and no issue reported for the brakes.

Now, they did say my alignment was out, so got that fixed and the grinding noise at 7mph has actually reduced by half.

They also said my seat does not squeak; so sent them a sound file as proof and just got a replay today, 'I can hear noise from the seat probably going to need you to come in and produce the noise whilst my technician is there so we can try and locate the exact location where noise is coming from'.  Here a copy of noise for your enjoyment 🙂 https://vocaroo.com/i/s1GSsBHytqef

Going to get brakes replaced at local garage - it be a lot cheaper.





Realised something the other day, the grinding noise at 7mph only happens when then engine/car been off for about 3-5 minutes.  Left card in idle for 10 minutes with hand brake on and no grinding noise at 7mph.  Switch car off for 5 minutes with handbrake off and parked, started up - grinding noise at 7mph.  I have also slammed brakes on at 3-6 mph to loosen them up, grind noise at 7mph but not when car was left idling for 10 mins .  I can not see how this can be brake related.

Going to purchase a small microphone and strick round chassis, to see if I can locate the noise!



Watch how you go - dont want one of those you've been framed clips being run over by your own motor at 5mph, mic on a broom handle if possible


This 7 mph thing is really odd!

Have you tried rolling away in neutral yet? You could try it with the engine running and also with just the ignition on, just to see if it still grinds at 7 mph? Also, have you tried crawling along at 5 mph for a while before accelerating up beyond 7 to see if it still does it?

(Sorry, this is beginning to bug me now, although not nearly as much as it does you, obviously!)





Drove about three football pitches without touching gas pedal (2-6mph), got grinding noise at 7mph. This why I thought it can't be breaks, as they been through a few full rotations and issue occurs in reverse as well but not as loud. 

I been meaning to test on a hill in neutral but keep forgetting when I'm off work. 😩

Added to calendar for next week, when I'm off. 


Disc guards coroded rubbiing or something between guard and disc? I had one piston sticking on the twin pot front caliper noise at low speeds drove me nuts could not free it.New caliper discs and pads £££!

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, finally tested car on a hill with engine turned off, in neutral and no grinding noise.

At bottom of hill, turn engine on, 7mph, grinding noise - can't see how this can be breaks.

I have also tested with engine on but in neutral and got grinding noise, I wonder if it's CVT or Central/rear clutch?


Next, I need to purchase a small MP3 recorder and attach it to CVT to if picks up beginning noise louder than what I hear.

  • 2 weeks later...

The noise at 45 seconds does not sound like grinding to me (more like pressure being released), and I cannot hear anything after this. Does not help with the high pitch sound. Sorry but I could not make out any grinding in the video. Listen with headphones too.


Yea, that high pitch got on my nerves, plus I did not want to push in and damage gear lever release tab.  (I taken out high pitch noise out of video - no point leaving as it does not help)

That noise at 7mph, grinding is the only terminology I can provide from my experience.

In your opinion, from the crappy video, I drive down a street for wee bit, so brakes/disk do a few full rotations and when accelerate upto 7/8mph, i get that noise - do you think it can be the brakes as Subaru states it is?

(listening to it youtube now, it does sound a drum/boink noise) 


Based on your thread posts and that video I would say it is not the brakes, but without seeing the car I would not put money on it.  If it was the brakes it would not just be at 7mph, surely it would be either side of that by some MPH.

How many miles do you do? For a 2018/19 XV to have lipped the disks already seems a bit soon?


I have about 12k on it but this noise first started after 3 months of having the car. The car would have to sit over 24 hours to get the noise, so I thought it was just brakes rusted.

Now it happens within 5 minutes of engine being switched off - issue does not occur if I sit in car for 15 minutes with engine left running. I have told Subaru this as well.

I'm just after further ideas on what the issue could be since it ties in directly with speed.

Clutch or something fully engaging at 7/8mph maybe?


Horrible situation. From your last post it sounds heat related in some way. Does it make the noise if the car is switched off for 5 minutes when the engine is warm? What bugs me is why only 7mph.

Clutching at straws but could something need bleeding like power steering? Do not know anything about auto trans but do they need fluid and bleeding in anyway?

1 hour ago, Siluro said:

Horrible situation. From your last post it sounds heat related in some way. Does it make the noise if the car is switched off for 5 minutes when the engine is warm? What bugs me is why only 7mph.

Clutching at straws but could something need bleeding like power steering? Do not know anything about auto trans but do they need fluid and bleeding in anyway?

Reading through the thread again hot or cold it does if been switched off for more than 5 minutes. Weird. I still cannot really hear it in the video. The part you repeat sounds like I siad more of a hissing sound. Cause you have actually heard it I guess it is easier for you to hear it in the video.


It's not the brakes. The lip on the discs is noticeable but no worse than on our cars (both around 25k miles) and there is no noise from them unless it has rained and the first brake application has to remove the surface rust.

The hissing sound in the video is similar to what my car emits when idling from cold as I'm scraping the windows in the morning. I don't know what the motor is doing but there must be various valves opening as it warms up, and they all make a hissing sound.

As it seems to be speed related (and therefore, possibly, rpm related?), I would go with your idea of the torque converter / clutch beginning to lock-up. It must be pressure controlled so the noise could be coming from a valve activating the lock-up mechanism?

Is there an automatic gearbox specialist in your area that you could take it? You'll probably get no joy from the dealer until you replace the discs so it may be worth a trip?





I do think it might be 'torque converter / clutch beginning to lock-up' and only one Subaru mechanic said it could be CVT and when car was first looked at by a different subaru mechanic, they said they could not find the noise (back then, it would take 24 hours for car to be sitting before you got the noise and now it 5 minutes).

Temperature has no effect on it, I could have been driving a hour, go to ATM, come back get noise or left car standing overnight and get same noise.


I be taking car back in, in the new year to get issues fixed.


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