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I've just changed from crappy plastic ones to superpro/whitline combo. Car fees slightly stiffer not as much flex on turn in and nicer feel


That's cool, probably be bigger improvement for me as well because I'm sure some bushes are knackered lol.

Went to the supermarket on the way home, parked in the tuners section...


I was walking so its blurry


Not sure what it is, looks like a toyota badge if you zoom in. Unless its an infinity import?


New tank gasket arrived in under a week from the states. Ipc can't get them any more, pic for future reference if anyone needs one



I was well impressed, ordered at midday last Thursday our time had an email about 5pm saying it had been dispatched in post box today when I came home for dinner whoop ! I'll fit it tomorrow providing there isn't 3foot of snow [emoji3]


Today I shall be hunting down the inconsiderate muppet who swapped paint with me!!!!! At work of all places!!! Tomorrow will be fun when the are found post-3672-142246476976_thumb.jpg

Drive fast, Race faster

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Ouch! That's a fair scrape. Many people at your work?


Stants, you know what the weather people are like... never right ;)


around 700. but a mate saw who was parked next to me, so tomorrow i shall inspect her car for paint exchange, then find her


around 700. but a mate saw who was parked next to me, so tomorrow i shall inspect her car for paint exchange, then find her


!Removed! wankers, Once you find them contact the police afterwards for driving off after an incident and all that stuff.

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wish that would be effective on my work property.

she'll get the bill tomorrow or i will call the insurance. photos will help.

she has a white car....... any blue on it and well.......


I Feel your pain as it happened to me in a asdas car park earlier this month [emoji35] [emoji36]

Truck was gone when I got back but it left me a nice dent in the rear quarter

Hope you find the fooker fella

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Speaking of mapping, motorsport developments near me are offering 20% of mapping this month! Oh so tempting


Well where do I start lol.I left Manchester in plenty of time to  find there was an accident on the M60 sat still for 1/2hr (7.30am) this was.Eventually I get to the M6 to find another accident and then they closed lanes down to 2 lanes.I was getting frustrated.I texted Andy carr to let him no I was gonna be a bit late out of respect.I got there at 10am and Andy was mapping an Evo 3 from the isle of man.I got on the rollers about 12ish.Things started well Andy removed my Ecu to fit one with the mafless and launch control set up.Andy plugged it in and off it went.About 15-20mins into the car didn't want to no it turned out it was a dodgy ecu which was supplied to Andy.From what I can gather Andy orders lots of ecus at a time and I happened to get the faulty one.It coming up with a knock fault which was an error on the software.Andy tried his best and couldn't get it to work.So my ecu went back in and Andy did a rolling road run on it.With all the mods fitted to my Forester and Andy didn't touch my ecu just checked it,it made a heathly 215.8 hp for just bolting bits on lol I have got a nice curve on the graph as well.Andy looked quiet annoyed because of the dodgy ecu supplied so I couldn't continue.I wasn't charged for the time on the rolling rd either which was very nice of him.The ecu that Andy tried using he is gonna check it on another 99-00 to see what the problem is and Andy is gonna ring me in the next couple of days to sort something out.Andy has offered to come to Manchester to when the ecu is ready and stick a base map on the forester then arrange to go back to Teg sport to have it mapped.I think to be honest I will just go back up there and have it done in one go.Andy was a real gentleman and I look forward to having it finished.But the bolt on mods was fine and drives spot on and didn't need a map! this was checked properly just to clear that up.How ever I will be back in for the mapping as soon as possible proberly in the next 3 weeks when Andy is free :) I will post a graph up after ive had my tea


At the end of the day least you know your cars running safe and there will be gains to be had when you have the new ecu sorted.

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At the end of the day least you know your cars running safe and there will be gains to be had when you have the new ecu sorted.

It was like I gained something in one hand like the car being safe and lost in the other hand with the dodgy ecu lol.**** happens and im looking forward to going back.I will get the graphs up and ive got a short video.Its not the best video I must admit but you get the idea lol.Andy carr is **** hot at what he does

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