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Some drivers don't understand that people like us do 30 in 30 limits because we are sensible drivers not because we physically cant do it. 


i hate drivers that do 45 in 30 limits and 60 limits, total disregard for the reason why we do certain speeds in certain areas. 

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Totally agree. Some drivers don't pay any attention to speed limits or driving conditions and just do 45mph all the time.

Some think we should drive like we stole it all the time

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You Can't win, I was over taking a load of 40mph crew, retirees with brand new motors, in a 60 limit in my van (before I knew the commercial limit)

They only read the company number on the back and call up complaining I'm driving to fast in the wet ! It's not 1935 ffs !

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Had a couple of things happen today,

Second is a close call with a Combine, weirdly it's better i was travelling quite fast. If I was slower the combine would have been closer to the corner.

I had a similar argument with someone about that advert that used to say if the driver of this car has bed doing 30mph he would have stopped here. I always said based on that flawed logic if he'd been doing 70mph he'd be long gone before the kid run out in the road [emoji5]️

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sp 'gone'


also, the stupid kid should learn 'stop, look, listen' before running out into the road in front of a moving vehicle


I hate that advert. (if you hit me at 30 etc) 


first off all it's putting 100% of the blame on drivers and non of it on irresponsible parents letting there little kids run out in the road without supervision or prior teachings of the dangers of the road.


two you wouldn't be hitting them at 30 unless the kid dived out from behind something and you didn't see him at all, you would gave some time to slow down and would most likely be going 80 if you are going 30 at the time of impact. 


and three Dogconker is right, in real life you would have already gone past him if you were going faster... 


alternative catch-lines that didn't make the cut for that add... 


if you kit me at 100 there is probably enough time to get out of there before someone takes your reg.... 


or if you hit me at 140 i'm defiantly going to die, but at least it will look spectacular !


if i used the footpath, you probably wouldn't have hit me at all. 


if you hit me at 30 I will ruin your bumper

if you hit me at 40 i will ruin your bonnet

if you hit me at 50 i will smash your windscreen

if you hit me at 60 i will ruin your trousers


if you hit me at 70 it serves me right for trying to cross the motorway


*jokes aside, try not to hit people :') 


I hate that advert. (if you hit me at 30 etc) 


first off all it's putting 100% of the blame on drivers and non of it on irresponsible parents letting there little kids run out in the road without supervision or prior teachings of the dangers of the road.


two you wouldn't be hitting them at 30 unless the kid dived out from behind something and you didn't see him at all, you would gave some time to slow down and would most likely be going 80 if you are going 30 at the time of impact. 


and three Dogconker is right, in real life you would have already gone past him if you were going faster... 

Also.....they blatantly cheated on that advert by disconnecting the rear brakes!


About time Green Cross Man was brought back and less of the "Drivers are always to blame."

Speed does not kill, it`s inappropriate speed which does!....tailgate cameras would catch out the bad drivers.


The way the ad should have been done is if you hit me at 20mph this is how badly injured I'd be, compared to if you hit me at 40. That's fair enough. But to used a timed event to demonstrate only allows you to say if you'd have been doing 70, you'd be right up here before the kid stepped out.

The other one that annoys me is "think biker" here's a new one how about "biker think" the number of times I've nearly hit a biker because he's undertaking or squeezing between me and a vehicle m passing on the motorway. Motorists should take reasonable care I agree, but motorcyclists (and cyclists) need to take responsibility for not putting themselves in danger. A motorists can't judge the speed of a motorbike so don't be doing a ton up to junctions and then complaining because the car that was hundreds of yards away pulls out because he thinks you far enough away, and you would have been had you been doing 40 like you were supposed to.

Rant over

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I did once and I hit a cyclist. He was on my side of the road swerved out straight into me. Landed on the bonnet then started giving me lip. Luckily a copper saw it all and he had to cough up to my company for the damage. He tried to counter sue for the damage to his bike but only ended up costing him more

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Good enough for em. Had one whizz pass me smacked the wing mirror with whatever part of him and he just carried on. They jump red lights, travel side by side despite single file rule. Sit right in front of motorist at lights knowing damn well they can't accelerate as fast then you struggle to get pass em cos of all the damn crossing islands. Only to get pass them and then hit more red lights [emoji35] [emoji35]


Don't get me started on bikes ! 


This guy flew out of a junction without looking onto a 60 limit road. 

if i need to pass a test to prove i can drive safely on the road why don't bikes? 

they also need identification plates so the law can **** them like they would do to us if we did this 




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It's not just London then [emoji23] they've got a death wish. Wonder if the old Bill would deal with something like that.


I've had a goog giggle reading these comments :). That is a very near miss, I would have had to stop after that lol. I've got a video from this morning, a cyclist trying to overtake a car.



Bit boring but it's something ;).

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Not sure if I posted this a while back. If there had been someone walking  around the corner this FU@K I N G knob would have killed them!

and read some of the bile i`m given from fellow dickheads.


See what you mean, he just went full speed round the corner on the pavement! Lucky no one was there because if they survived the hit they probably would have killed the cyclist for doing it ;). Oh btw, can you remember what you dodged at 4:05?


It was a bird, that came out of the hedge, you don`t see it on the video....I didn`t want it denting my car.  :)


Going back to bikes going through red lights ....

its not just bikes haha. caught this guy a few weeks ago. 


you can see the light is on red 21 seconds into the video , 10 seconds later (31 seconds in) he goes straight through it 



You can see the light was red well before the bridge. Do you reckon he just ignored it or didn't see it?

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I do over 2000 miles every month in my work van and see **** like this every day. I could rant for hours about red light jumpers, bike wankers, inconsiderate arseholes etc. but would just be repeating what has already been said.


If we genuinely wanted to crack down on accidents and deaths on the road we should be punishing bad driving not speed. Very rarely is speed the problem - speed with bad driving obviously, but speed alone. No. But speed is the easy option and a huge money maker. By far the biggest problem I see is mobile phone usage while driving. People who are on the phone are usually all over the road and going at very inconsistent speeds. Plus they usually hold you up at junctions creating traffic since theyre more bothered about whats on the phone than looking when lights have changed/traffic has started moving again.


Anyway, enough about that. Ive charged my Battery back up and took her out for a test and to blow the cobwebs off. Found a nice little bit of road



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Some nice road there nick, oh btw BUG! "4:12" ;)


EDIT: Love the tunnel pops!

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Nick, is that with the go pro ? What door are you using on the back & do you manually set the resolution ? Been playing with mine and it seems to shoot a little on the bright side

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