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Everything posted by ernieb

  1. I’d be pleased enough with that and I’m sure at a normal viewing height would not notice the repair. To some extent the law of diminishing returns starts to kick in and I’ve been known to try just too hard and then make a “pigs ear of it” (another old saying?)
  2. You must be pleased with how it’s going so far. Better than my first attempt to be honest. In some of the images you can see slightly raised particles and it’s these that I decided to flat down with some very fine wet and dry, 3000 grit I seem to remember. I appreciate that the repair seen in the “round” would not likely show these, photos do tend to enhance the edges due to the shadow affects which our eyes integrate. It will be very interesting to see the finished job. I do think your take time approach will pay off in the end, as I said earlier I rather rushed my first repair and regretted it as I had to redo much of the work.
  3. It was the same system I used and I did have to smooth the surface down afterwards it sort of depends on the angle of the surface that the repair is being worked on. Good luck with your chips it will be interesting to see how you get on.
  4. As Dug said above, I used a cocktail stick to apply the paint and the best results I got was to build up the layers very slowly. What I also found was that once I’d got a goodish layer of paint in the chip I could fill the rest with lacquer, leaving slightly proud and when dry cutting back with a selection of wet and dry. It was never perfect but most people would not notice and the result passed the PX dealer inspection, result!
  5. I’ve used the system, mixed results but entirely down to me. First time I was eager to get on and did not allow enough time for each stage. After that the results got better and like most things in life preparation is the key to a good outcome. Good luck with your efforts.
  6. ernieb

    poor XV :(

    Whoops indeed, he must have been gunning that Porsche to get that far under the XV!
  7. Sorry you’ve still got the issues with the knocking under load, these problems can be difficult to sort. The air con could be the system freezing, effectively not being controlled as you’ve suggested a software issue maybe?
  8. Tried the link again this morning and by copy and paste into Google and it worked. Very strange? I don't have much of a frame of reference with the diesel engined XV to be honest but from the video clip I'd say the no back box has a deeper, broader sound. It might sound very different with the car under load?
  9. No not me I’m afraid but I was in Milton Keynes. Subaru’s are as rare as hens teeth around here. When we visit Derbyshire, very frequently, they are more likely to be seen. As an aside, we nearly bought a house in Lidlington many years ago but got gazumped, we moved to Dunstable and have been here every since.
  10. The guys at this place are brilliant at unbiased support and advice. Recently bought some DA kit from them to work on my new XV when I feel the paint has hardened up enough. They may be worth a visit if they are not too far from you. If you do visit be warned the car park is full of pot holes. https://www.shopnshine.co.uk/
  11. Enjoy you new Scooby.
  12. As they say sh*t happens, these gate posts are not what they used to be, now in my day............... 😀
  13. Doesn’t everything nowadays!
  14. Maybe an intermittent wiring fault?
  15. Sounds like good news, let’s hope it’s “fixed” the issue, it should be easy enough for the dealer to check except it will not be cold. 🤞
  16. I think the fake carbon looks pretty good to me, my car has this look to some extent already, thanks.
  17. Thanks that’s impressive and a good YouTube video.
  18. I’m not keen on chrome either like you I’d prefer black trims. Whilst there is not a lot of chrome on my model I’d certainly have preferred black roof rails as they have in the US. Not an option here unless I try wrapping them. Nothing is every perfect but to be honest so far this car has ticked so many boxes for us.
  19. I’ve only had the XV for a short time but impressed already with the amount of control as it corners with virtually no body roll, point the car and it delivers. Interestingly where we have our family lodge in Derbyshire one of the owners has had a series of Range Rovers and now a Jag. We were there last week and he stopped and asked me about the car and was really taken with the build quality, style and features and the blown away when he asked the price. Generally paying almost double that for his cars he was somewhat surprised and kept commenting on how different it looked to the run of the mill SUV’s. Sorry could not resist adding another photo!😀
  20. +1, I had an MGB for awhile, a car that was fun to drive. I think the trouble for most Subaru dealers is that there is not a small car in the range for them to have as a curtesy car.
  21. Probably good if they change all the injectors I’m sure you’d be much happier with that. It’s always difficult to diagnose sensors unless they fail completely. Hope you get it sorted soon and get back to driving a proper car!
  22. Use a spray bottle over the sensor, works everytime.
  23. Maybe a little bit late for that 😁
  24. Glad you finally got it sorted and hope you manage to get some costs. i think some of the problems for these windscreen replacement company’s is the technology attached to the glass or immediately behind it, every car is different. I’ve been warned with the XV and the cameras behind the glass to be absolutely paranoid about keeping any crap off the lenses as currently any issue would need then shipped to Japan for recalibration. Seems extreme but the dealer confirmed that they have had to do it when an owner sprayed cleaner inside the glass and coated the lenses causes marks when they tried to clean then. With mine they supplied caps to be fitted when any cleaning of the glass was necessary. Back to your point, I have little doubt that many windscreen companies would have no idea about the consequences on these cameras. (BTW, the system works really well and I’m very impressed so far.)
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