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Everything posted by mfnick

  1. Yea, that'd be mint if you don't mind pal! I'm heading to G R Performance to discuss getting my works done and getting it booked in on Saturday morning so could maybe pop round after that? I'm hoping to have it all ordered and ready by the meet so if I can hear what it's like before then that'd be better. Hard to tell how it really sounds in those vids. Popping and flames is always good though haha!
  2. Dammit Dave! Yet another good option. Don't suppose you have a vid of it do you? Did a quick youtube search and got nothing. I don't think I've properly heard yours, or can't remember just how it sounded. Unless you're around at the weekend, & I can have a listen in person haha :)
  3. Agreed. Maybe we should impose a handicap for people who use clutch. Like not being able to start until we lap them ;)
  4. I'm still up for it. Although timing could be a issue for me now depending on when it is. Going to be tight for money for a little while.
  5. Haha! Sorry mate, hate to laugh but you sure as Hell make me feel better. I normally feel like I've got the worst luck but yours is something else. I realise things aren't so bad whenever you post something as it's always worse ;)
  6. Would you recommend the Toyo Sport then Hilli?
  7. The only problem with the gears and clutch thing is if you know how to use it you get a pretty big advantage. It's almost impossible to keep up with someone who uses manual and clutch if you just use manual with no clutch. But then again, it is unfair to force someone who normally plays like that to change their play style. I definitely don't think you should restrict views - again it's what you're used to. I always use in the car view but I also normally swap to the exterior view for the first few corners when we play as it makes it much easier not to accidentally crash into any of you.
  8. What's up with the cars as they are? Sure some will perform better on some tracks than others but that's racing - look at any motorsport like BTCC. Saying that I think we should all have 1 car that we use throughout the season too. As long as they're fairly even (which they seemed to be last season) it'll even out. When's the next season starting BTW? I should hopefully be able to make it on for a lot more next time, I need to save money for my exhaust, remap etc. plus I'm going on Holiday in July so not going to be going out as much for a while. Meaning I'll be in most Sunday nights.
  9. I'll be keeping the OE headers on, I'll just be porting them. @ Gambit - I don't want a 2nd hand one to be honest mate. I've had 2 back boxes fail on me now which were 2nd hand. 1 on my CTR and one on this now. Plus I've had enough of getting !Removed! over by sellers. Very few things I buy for cars off other people are in good condition as they say. Usually ends up costing me more in long run to sort than if I'd just bought new, plus there's all the hassle.
  10. @Gambit - yes the Nur Spec R one is far too expensive for my liking.
  11. Thanks Jay. That Afterburner lot is very tempting but very expensive!!! I've actually been researching that Toyo set since I got home. Everyone who has it gives it a very good review, only people who don't have it bad mouth it seemingly just because it is cheap. Although it sounds like it can be a pain to fit. The gearbox bracket in particular but the hanger can be bent to get it to fit. Some have also complained about it sticking out a bit too far passed the bumper on new ages - something to do with the down pipe being too long (classic shape length). I already have the afterburner downpipe so as long as the flange matches that I can probably avoid that problem. But I don't know for sure. I also usually end up being screwed over when buying cheap so still hesitant. I'm going to chat to Exhausts Uk but they weren't very helpful when I last got one from them. I'll make an enquiry & see if they're any better this time.
  12. Well, as some of you may have read. My back box is knackered. I was planning on getting a decat centre pipe anyway so may as well get a full new system (decat, centre and back box). Just wondered what you guys had or would recommend? Ash has recommended the Toyo Sports one which looks and sounds great for the price. But that's also my only concern - £190 for the full system. Seems too cheap! Martin didn't seem that impressed either lol. He did recommend the Afterburner Vortex but that's only the back box - so I've still got to source a centre pipe and decat which is a pain and it is expensive. I want it to be either 2.5" or 3", absolute maximum of £400 for the 3 parts and it must emphasise that good old Subaru burble. Want it loud but not ridiculously so. Any recommendations? And have any of you got the Toyo kit? For a Newage Blob STi BTW
  13. Took mine to Martin and Dave at Sheff Subaru Servies to confirm the blowing exhaust was just me being paranoid - can just hear the turbo gasses since the cat in the down pipe is removed. Or something lol. Result! Also finally found the reason for that odd rattling noise off throttle I've been hearing for ages. Back box is knackered - baffles have collapsed. Also explains why it feels down on power some days compared to others. Another result! Well, kind of. Very happy to finally find out the cause of the noise and why it sometimes feels sluggish. But gutted since I need to get the exhaust repaired - or more likely replaced. !Removed! cars! New exhaust thread inbound.... I also got to watch Ash (well Martin actually ;) ) split the block and remove the conrods, pistons and crank. Was interesting :) . Had a right laugh too. Ended up spending all morning there even though they were only looking at my car for around 30-45 minutes just having a chat and laugh. Great set of lads.
  14. Picked up my touch up paint from Subaru today. Weather is a bit dodgy today though so will hopefully tackle that job tomorrow afternoon.
  15. To Martins? Nah, that's Saturday mate. Said he wouldn't have time until then. & thanks guys! As for the splitter, it's definitely on my (huge) to do list. I think they look the dogs danglies with them fitted too. Worried ill end up breaking it though when I finally get around to fitting one, my car isn't really low but it's still low enough to occasionally catch the bottom of the front bumper on some roads. Even got caught a bit on the ramp when I was having the geo checked so don't see it lasting long when I do lol.
  16. Cheers pal. You mean the JDM grill emblem? I prefer the Subaru stars one to be honest.
  17. Well, its taken a long, long time and loads of faffing about but ive finally got my new alloys and tyres fitted!!! Looks soooo much better!! Very happy with them. Had 5 people tell me how great my car looked today too + 1 who tried buying it off me :) Also got thumbs up from Martin and Dave at Sheff Subaru Services - popped there because I think my exhaust might have started blowing a bit.
  18. Well, after reading Jonny and Hilli's recommendation for that Demon Shine Snow Foam I decided to buy some while getting some lacquer from Halfords. Also got a drying squeegee and thought I'd try the Demon Shine spray on wax stuff too since it was buy 2 get another £9.99 item for free. Got to agree with You guys, it's great stuff. That wax stuff is really good too. Obviously not a substitute for doing it properly but gives it a really nice finish if you haven't got time to give it a proper go. Very impressed. I also lacquered my alloys. Bought the high strength Halfords stuff which they recommend for Alloys. It's ****! Just clogs the nozzle up after a few sprays. Ended up getting a spotty finish on one alloy because of the inconsistent spray. Spent more time !Removed! about with the nozzle than doing the actual job. It's also got rid of the nice, bright glossy shine they had. Hoping they look better after it dries and I've given them a polish and wax.
  19. I !Removed! love the Trials games. Not got a XBOne yet though so had to settle for the 360 version. Don't suppose any of you have that one do you? I haven't got any times to go up against since just about everyone I know has moved onto the next gen :(
  20. Well, I'm sure you can imagine what I'm doing tonight... I normally end up out on Sunday anyway so there's no way im staying in when it's a bank holiday lol. So I'll be missing tonight unfortunately.
  21. Haha, have to say I quite like the Cayman. The Boxster and 911 don't really do anything for me though. I'd have a GT3 in a heartbeat though. I also absolutely !Removed! love that Singer 911 they had on Top Gear. Would definitely buy that with my lottery winnings. Back OT - at the weekend I finally managed to get around to cleaning my new alloys ready for fitting that I've been threatening to do for ages. Didn't go as well as planned :(. I bought them in the dark days of winter and under the garage lights and in the sale pics they looked great. In the sunshine - they look ****! Whoever painted them black did a proper **** job! No amount of t-cut, polish and wax would sort them. Anyway, today I decided to have a go at touching them up myself. Couldn't make them much worse I gathered. Few layers of paint later, looking LOADS better!!!! Now they obviously aren't fully dry yet so holding back my enthusiasm for now, but I'm really happy with how they've turned out to say I've never done anything like this before. Since I was only touching up I didn't sand back and put primer on so may flake off and look just as bad after a few miles, who knows. I did get some good quality Hammerite paint though which supposedly doesn't need primer so we'll see. Cars booked in to get them fitted and fully set up next Wednesday :) I'll be applying a couple more coats and lacquer this weekend to finish them off.
  22. Sorry I missed it, was out drinking haha!
  23. Won't be making it after all :( got to work tonight.
  24. Ha great idea! Cheers mate, I'll see how it goes. If anyone knows about the STi logo give me a shout though please :). Since it's smudged I'd like to replace it anyway.
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