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Everything posted by Pommy

  1. Welcome mate, big fan of sleepers myself. Getting used to the side engines is easy enough, just don't expect spark changes to take less than 10 minutes a side once you have the hang of it!!!
  2. Been watching this with interest since the beginning and glad to see its sorting itself out nicely and you have got some people on your side. My knowledge of insurance law is limited but I believe they have to pay to put you back in the same circumstances you were in before when it's not your fault. So seems to be a good ending at the moment. Keep us updated.
  3. Gaulson - Yes it is the one you sent me, sounds nice but haven't been out in it yet!!! Took some modification to fit but got there in the end, used none of the piping with it so have all that leftover at the moment.
  4. Finally fitted the pod filter, sounds nice. And finished the filling and sanding the holes left from the spoiler, then ordered paint so should be done in the next couple of weeks.
  5. How did it go? Did theh put up a fuss? And is car working now?
  6. Thank mate, will give it a look later today.
  7. Whats the paint code for my car if anyone knows? Or how to find out, need some touch up paint.
  8. Hill - Replied, The other thing I can do right now is sell them out right, I have found a set which I could buy and get in the next couple of days but from a car being broken so the seller isn't looking for swaps. It would take around a week for me to get around to posting them though so please bear that in mind.
  9. Nigel - That is annoying as I am in the same situation, my only car and need it throughout the week for work. That's what makes it challenging to sell at the moment. Ash - I have some leather wipes which I use regularly and have a strict no food or animals in the car.
  10. Not interested in the wheels, just the breaker as I live in Bradford atm
  11. Thanks mate, in no rush at the moment with my exams coming up but if not any interest by the middle of May i will start looking at breakers.
  12. Looking at selling or swapping my seats for a standard cloth ones, at the moment I don't let dog in car because I don't want him scrathing or tearing seats and worry every time I load something, or as can be seen in the photo's i have to place any tools very carefully; will get more photos tomorrow, although all the bad bits can be seen in these photos as the rears are in perfect condition and look very unused. The front drivers has the usual side bolster wear and there is the general use to the passenger seat. Looking for offers around £250, although this is just a guess looking at ebay prices so please tell me if overpriced or underpriced. Shipping, collection, or swapping can be organised with interested party. Any questions please comment or message me Thanks
  13. Which breaker was this?
  14. Full service history is most important in my opinion, assuming everything looks ok visually and drives ok. And as they say knowledge is power so best to make a well informed decision.
  15. Too much hassle for £25 I would think. Especially with other stuff going on, and another stress to deal with even when you're clearly going to win.
  16. I want that exact car!!! Was what I was really looking for but were all a lot more than that!!! Good luck with the search, plenty out there
  17. You can tell him to bugger off (or something similar) because he inspected and accepted the item, all done through eBay's policy so nothing wrong there. However for the sake of £25 I would do the same as you, offer full refund on return of the item in same condition. And if he keeps on sending aggressive messages and all this and that take it all to the police and make an harassment charge against him. Or if you want to see something funny organize him to return it at the Sheffield meet, bet he wouldn't be as aggressive or rude surrounded by you lot!!!
  18. Welcome, always plenty of Subaru's out there, just finding the right one for you can be tricky!!! Once you drive it you will fall in love.
  19. Be careful about recording a conversation on private property. Tell them that you are recording it so they are aware of whats going on and then its ok but if they are unaware then I'm not sure about the legality of it (it would be ignored as evidence I believe because they could argue a right to privacy in their property or entrapment.) If they say no recording just go with the above and leave if an argument erupts. On the public street they can say no to recording all they want but you are allowed to, either voice or video is completely legal, there is no right to privacy in public. Just make sure you make them aware of recording, like all the call centers do when they call up.
  20. Yeah I got the apexi one, couldn't justify the extra price, the apexi one only does timer and A/F, O2 levels, and volts whereas hks does everything else I mentioned in a previous post. Works perfectly for me and for £12 can't really complain. If it goes wrong I can just buy a new one!!!
  21. Yes that's the one, works perfectly with mine, gives voltage and can give A/F ration and something else although I didn't bother with that. Works perfectly for me.
  22. Never had knock myself mate but from what I know about it you will know it when you get it. Did you change your plugs, leads and check coils? (Can't remember if you said in the other post) Could be a faulty sensor by the sounds so worth checking that out. Hopefully someone with some more knowledge will be along shortly.
  23. Stand your ground, do not let them bully you into anything. Get the receipt if you can although you have some proof that the work was carried out there in terms of phone calls. Do not make any more agreements verbally make them write everything down (if handwritten get a signature and Name, or even better through email) this way they can't deny what has happened. You have to give them the opportunity to fix the car for no extra cost as they damaged the vehicle, while proving this is a challenge it is doable as everything was fine till they touched it and now there is visible damage, get photos of the damage with a time stamp on it. Then contact them and see what they say, if they refuse call other garages and get written quotes to fix the issue. Send a copy of these quotes with a letter to the garage saying you are going to be billing them the average of the quotes for the work carried out. They have to pay this if they damaged the car. Also make a complaint to the standards agency in the local area. This all covered in the Supply of goods and services act of 1982 (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1982/29) however a simplified version of your rights can be found at (http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/cgi-bin/brighton-hove/con1item.cgi?file=*ADV0046-1011.txt) Always worth quoting from the actual act so they understand that you know your rights and you are not the average idiot who will get steamrolled. The most important thing is to get everything in writing, refuse to accept oral offers until written. If they refuse to write anything down leave and go to other garages. The above is all from a legal point of view. The other thing to do is name and shame the business in every public place you can, forums, advice sites and anywhere else you can think of. When doing this write the review with a calm perspective and perfect grammar and spelling so you don't come off sounding like an angry customer but as a calm and civilized person with a reasonable review. This often makes a difference very quickly as it directly affects their business. If they have a facebook page also comment on the there. Just get it out there really. It is a !Removed! situation which unfortunately happens a lot. What people should learn from this is that take photo's of anything before the work is carried out, and get a written agreement before undergoing any work, while verbal contracts are still legally binding it is harder to prove them. And I'm in no way having a go at you, its not your fault as you shouldn't have this happen and you shouldn't have to take photo's to prove that they broke it unfortunately that is the way with some people. I only use a garage I trust personally and thankfully they are close to me. However I understand not everyone has this so as every mother says 'its better to be safe than sorry.' I hope it gets cleared up, just remember to be calm and collected, anger will just make it worse and get everything in writing, don't engage in a verbal argument. If they start having a go just tell them to expect to here from you in writing and you will not be getting into an argument. And send anything with a courier or recorded post so you have proof they have received it.
  24. I like it, think the bottom one would go well.
  25. It should be. I imagine there are harnesses out there. Should be a similar ingnition wiring system. Just using a button instead of a key.
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