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savage bulldogs

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savage bulldogs last won the day on May 21 2024

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About savage bulldogs

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    v1 sti (money pit)

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  1. Do you have dash lights with ignition on ? Does it have a aftermarket alarm ? Can you hear the fuel pump prime ? Do you know what version bottom end is in it now ?
  2. Finally I've got a dry space to work on my car 😎 Unfortunately the next major project isn't for my 94 wrx sti .... it's for a mates 94 wrx sti 🙃 Will be building something Very similar spec to mine... Closed deck block ,2.5 crank , 14mm headstuds and v3 sti heads . So first up is removing the heads from a knocky v3 sti engine. Now I've just got to make it look like mine heads off never seen soo much sealer used on cam covers , probably the cause of the bottom end failure. As this is what came off the left hand cam cover , cams ,cam caps ,spark plug holes and cam cover 🙄 at least they're definitely v3/v4 sti heads, as they have the separate shims under bucket 😎 At least the cdb , forged internals and gasket boxes passed the "sully security sniff " at the door 😂 be a while before I start building the block, as I want the heads back from my engineer, so I can bolt them to the block to seal it up till fitting.
  3. I don't know for sure but if you can hear the pump I'd imagine it's more likely to be something other than a fob to car "communication " issue /reset . As most alarms cut the power to ECU/pump /starter motor. Hopefully it's just a communication issue , by one fob battery dying. Give subaru sigma alarm pin code override a google , hopefully a guide will come up and sort it 🤞
  4. Unfortunately, I have no idea if the crank bolt pcd and fitment are the same on 2ltr na and turbo . I do have a v4 sti engine and flywheel in the workshop atm though . If the clutch you bought was for a "classic turbo" it will definitely fit any classic flywheel. If you measure the centres between the flywheel bolts ,diameter and thickness of the flywheel, I could compare them too the one I have . At least if it's the same measurements you give , it would be more likely to be the same dimensions elsewhere. So might be worth buying a turbo version flywheel and then see if you need the starter motor too .
  5. If you have a spare key , do you have a metal tag with a code on it in with the paperwork? If so and on bug /blob (maybe hawk) this can be entered into the sigma keypad in a compartment by the drivers right knee . As it does sound like a alarm fault, having neither the doors unlock and not starting. Can you hear the fuel pump prime when you turn the ignition on ?
  6. Had Danny from practical classics magazine pop over during the summer . Although he took a few pics and asked a lot of questions, I didn't really think my 94 jdm was their sorta thing . So was well chuffed to spot it in this months magazine release 😎 Of course I gave my engineer (Seager engineering) ,the main parts supplier (Alyn @asperformance) and the Subaru owners club forum a mention too 😘
  7. I run dba t2 discs and performance friction carbon metallic pads on my 94 sti's brembos . Found them a great combo for fast road use , sometimes get a tiny squeal 1st time I use them but good bite from cold and no fade when reining in 400hp . I got mine in the uk from Alyn at Asperformance . His website isn't the best and it doesn't list all his stock . So best to give him a call , as unlike most other aftermarket suppliers, he'll take the time to sell you what you need. Rather than just sell you the most expensive overkill option for your budget/usage
  8. Yeah , unfortunately I've had to render over much worse in the past 20 years but at least I know i can make my attempt at blockwork look purdy 😂 It is a bit cold in there ,being single skin , might consider a pass of (waterproof agent loaded) sand n cement render . Then insulation board and a colour silicone render finish . Either that or nylon mesh reinforced sand n cement outside and insulate the inside at a later date instead 🤔 Tbh the second option will suit my budget/needs better, as I can get the exterior rendering finished and painted for under £200 . Then worry about the insulation values at a later date , if needs be . But for now it's just nice to see it out of the rain and sat indoors 😎 Mind you I might regret not managing to get it insulated this year , when building my mates 2.1 over the winter 🙂
  9. As above for early warnings if pressure drops or it gets too hot . The impreza classic, bug and blob all have fuel cut issues when low on fuel (1/4 tank and below ) whilst cornering hard right . Due to the shape of the underside of the tank (hump to clear prop /diff) and the fuel pump pick up being on the right . Not sure if this applies to the legacy though ? If so a spec c type fuel sock cage (in tank) or a external fuel swirl pot will help . If you intend on really going for it on track, a baffled sump helps lessen the chance of the oil sloshing around in the sump and starving the oil pick up (losing oil pressure when cornering) . As for faster , less weight , a decent geometry set up ,decent tyres and a remap .
  10. Yeah got to lay about 120ft of armoured cable and then run a ring main /lights . Thankfully I'm a plasterer, so covering my shoddy blockwork with a few coats of render is on the list too . Got another 2.1 cdb with v4sti heads to build in there over winter for a friend too . So a fair way off buying a tig welder and finding the time to finally make some better reversed inlet pipework 🙃 But at least I'll have something more scooby related to post on here
  11. When was the last time the spark plugs/ air filter were changed and was the replacement o2 sensor a genuine Subaru part ? Try checking for vacuum lines or intake air tract leaks , if you're not sure how to do this yourself. Ask a garage to do a "smoke test " As a misfire or air leak, could send unburnt fuel through the exhaust and give a o2 sensor fault .
  12. Had the mot and she passed with no advisorys 😎 mind you I only managed 350 miles in it this year 😥 At least I used my spare time for something scooby ,by building the workshop. Blockwork finished . windows glazed steel doors fitted roof trusses made , roof sheeted and felted Still got to lay the armoured cable for power and cover up my shoddy blockwork with some nice flat render but ... she's indoors and I finally have a dry space to "play"
  13. Does the other bank spark all the time or stop after a full rotation? As I had a similar problem when I had a bent pin on the crank sprocket. It would turn over ,spark once and then cut spark once it noticed the bent sprocket pin Did you change any of the cam /crank ,pulleys/sprockets ? (UK, jdm pulleys can differ even on the same year ) Although you have compression due you have enough on all cylinders? Double check the timing belt Mark's. If you have avcs and Tgv's are these plugged in correctly and functioning properly?
  14. Been to a couple of local meets but haven't had the time for doing scooby 😥 So 4 months later and I'm still waiting for summer to start but on the occasion that it hasn't rained at the weekend.... I've been busy. Not so much scooby stuff but I'm almost ready for a roof on the workshop 😎 As for the little puppy .... well he's not so little at 8 months old
  15. Hi n welcome, nice looking car and history . I've owned my 94 sti for almost a decade and it was my brothers before he sold it to me . Think that's the first blobeye I've ever seen with morettes fitted , its normally bug eye that get the lights switched . Spoiler could possibly be a s203 item but hopefully someone else can clarify that for you .
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