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Mystery_Machine last won the day on January 15 2017

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  • Subaru Model
    Blobeye WRX

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  1. if you use an iphone you need a wifi dongle not blutooth, and the app dashcmd, I use a hand held device from ebay about £15.
  2. Bluetooth doesn’t work with the iPhone needs to be WiFi dongle afaik... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. DashCmd is the equivalent iPhone app i believe.... you will also require a compatible wifi OBD11 dongle though.
  4. I use Millers nanodrive 10W 40 Fully synthetic in my WRX and also used it in my old classic STI never had an issue with it..
  5. urm, i paid like £40 for the front speakers same for rear and £80 for the sub... Fitted it all myself.
  6. Standard speakers are rubbish imo, I upgraded all mine to pioneers and a 10" active sub in the boot..... amazing difference :)
  7. This is mine :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Not sure if they still sell that one anymore, but there are loads to look at on ebay or amazon, just search for 'boot tidy' or boot organiser'
  9. I use this bought from halfrauds :) velcros to the back of the seats and the floor... has never moved :)
  10. Have you taken it out to see if it is even connected?
  11. Cheers, I got them from a guy on scoobynet, but I think he sells them on eBay now aswell? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I use this one OBD MATE OBDII OM123 http://amzn.eu/987VyZT works very well...
  14. are they the air bag connectors for the seat? ok strike that didn't read it correctly :\
  15. is Graphite Black Pearl the one?
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