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Everything posted by Jay762

  1. its normally about 6 - 8 litres but when you do refill have your engine idle for a bit to get any air out of the system when the thermostat operates then check the reservoir level again
  2. Great idea - will pass this to Steve for action as he has formally contacted the other suppliers on the site
  3. that will give you a rough indication as a per cylinder comparison but bear in mind the differences you can get due to battery charge, cranking time, throttle body position and temperature of the engine itself
  4. DA, Thanks to Ash007ks for this heads up For club members who want the get together and buy silicone hoses and accessories Roose Motorsport can offer you special club discounts. Wether it be multiple hose kits, single hoses or just a single hose clamp. The offer is up to 15% discount and free individual carriage on any of our stock. Simply call our technical sales team on 01522 787187 and find out how start your group buy or contact sales@roosemotorsport.co.uk Check out the products online http://roosemotorsport.co.uk/ Have a browse and if post your requirements below then we can look at a way forward with co-ordinating the order etc
  5. a buddy of mine has a track day nova with a quaife lsd fitted - he speaks very highly of the feel and increased traction gained - food for thought?
  6. OK so you may have solved the issue - hopefully the heads have not experienced any damage themselves through lack of coolant
  7. Its a trade off - more money spent initially but travel further with a smoother more responsive engine
  8. no, the difference in the filter is to let it breathe more easily allowing more air into the chambers and a better flow combined with the exhaust change. if you can take a camera with you and get some shots of what you are doing - we like photos on here and it can sometimes help with diagnosing things
  9. agree with that, check around for any leaks / perished / split hoses
  10. Wotcha and welcome - yup agree with above it should work no problem with the tube going where you suggested
  11. That looks like a fair few hours have been put in - what BHP is it generating and how does it handle with the FWD?
  12. It can be the head gasket - it can also be warped heads. do you have clear oil or has it gone gooey (emulsification)?
  13. running on Vpower will return larger mpg as well as good response - worth the extra money
  14. If I get duff service I give them a chance to redeem themselves then if they dont come through I tend to spend the next 20+ years sharing the bad experience with anyone who asks for an opinion / reference - hence why I will never use Demon Tweeks or Judd Racing again But where I get good / great experience I will do as much as I can to promote / refer the business so it grows
  15. Dot 5.1 fluid will give better moisture absorption / operation parameters - using shell stuff myself at the moment although Shell Dot 4 ULTRA has a higher boiling point than 5.1
  16. Agree, those lights are the best looking and do improve the overall front end - must confess not a big bug fan myself though but they make a massive improvement
  17. Copper tends to be the standard approach, the ones you have may be copper underneath but for the cost of them and as you are servicing the calipers I would replace them, also flush through with new fluid if you dont know when that was last done as over time it does absorb moisture which degrades its operation
  18. ^^^^ fantastic and there was me thinking you liked old yamaha 600's!! :D
  19. Wotcha and welcome - here is a fellow member with a very nice example of what you can achieve with a Fozzy 2.5XT in a very understated fashion http://uk.subaruownersclub.com/forums/topic/1842-newbie-saying-hello-and-pics/
  20. oooohhhh don't know that one - have to wait for one of the more informed members, sorry :(
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