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Everything posted by Jay762

  1. Wotcha and welcome - As above, great advice
  2. https://www.subarupartsforyou.com/v-2021-subaru-forester--sport--2-5l-h4-gas Here is one example
  3. I use the US subaru parts sites as I have not found a decent one in the UK, followed by research aftermarket parts sites then finally main stealer Are you after anything in particular?
  4. Wotcha and welcome - budget for some speakers as well as a head unit, you will see a vast improvement
  5. Nice one Mike - that is correct also if using anti galling compound the torque should be adjusted accordingly
  6. I had no issues - very easy. There is a retaining clip and then you pull it out. The trick is to hold the plastic clip down so the teeth are able to expand and release the ball. If you just pull straight up the teeth close as you are trying to pull the plastic bit out as well. I put some photos in the build thread but not a video of me actually releasing the ball as I did not know people had issues with it
  7. Think it covers 12 - it is from 08 Just a note - There is a link somewhere on this site to workshop manuals but I cannot remember where it is. I know I downloaded them on first joining the forum using the link. One of the torque values (Bolts pinning the calipers together) is not in the manual - I had to source that from a brembo specific document
  8. Sounds like you have a leak - easy on the throttle gives boost but as soon as you up the level it limits it. Try spraying some brake cleaner on the pipes under your bonnet whilst it is idling (carefully around the hot spots) and see if the revs rise
  9. Wotcha and welcome - did you change the hand brake shoes at the same time?
  10. Wotcha and welcome, I can get the info you need later this week as it is on a different computer 😉
  11. If you want high compression low boost talk to Alyn at AS performance as he has some bespoke Mahle pistons specifically for that purpose
  12. As mentioned I would see what the local fabricator says - welding a new bracket will be preferential to replacing cats. If you do go for a full replacement the engine sensors should not have an issue with any minor trimming to the air fuel mixture
  13. It depends on the way you want to go, higher compression lower boost or lower compression higher boost
  14. Yup the Kartboy solution does get great reviews - You shouldnt have any issues with that product
  15. Wotcha and welcome!!
  16. Try changing the battery in your remote
  17. it will be the key fob button that locks the car and activates the alarm at the same time - Its effectively the computer support line - Turn it off turn it back on again 😁
  18. Have you tried depressing the clutch when you press the start button? With my auto RX there are a couple of different options similar to the first turn of the key - ignition on so radio can play etc but no starter circuit engaged. It was possible to get it stuck in a cycle that stopped you starting the car. The way to break the cycle was to press the start button without hitting the pedal so all the lights went off. Close all doors, activate alarm, deactivate alarm and press start button with brake pedal engaged (to start auto) You may have a similar switch which allows the car to differentiate between limited internal 12v live and full starter cct activation
  19. Is it an auto or manual?
  20. looking good 👍
  21. Yes - very helpful
  22. Wotcha and welcome - It is an issue with all impreza's - the rear arch has a lip and if you dont get in there when cleaning, dirt and moisture collects and rots it away. More of an issue on classics as they can rot from the inner arches / rear strut mounting as well so when you start cutting away you can find more of an issue. If you go to see this motor check inside the boot space as boot seals / rear light cluster seals can fail letting water in which will also cause issues. The car is sitting low so if you are really interested ask to get it on a ramp to inspect. For me 10k is quite a chunk of money to put into a car so why not spend £100 or so (not done one for a few years so may be more now) to have the RAC do one of their inspections - They will go over it with a fine tooth comb and give you a report. If you do go this route the garage may ask for the report, at that point you can either use the report to negotiate or you can sell them the report and walk away from the deal having covered the cost of the inspection
  23. Many places - what power are you looking for them to take as there are different specs and of course associated cost. Here are a couple of options RCM https://rogerclarkmotorsport.co.uk/store/category/114-pistons?model=17 https://rogerclarkmotorsport.co.uk/store/category/116-conrods?model=17 AA https://www.advancedautomotives.co.uk/subaru-engine-parts-324-c.asp Or talk to: Alyn at AS Performance Martyn at Engine Tuner
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