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Everything posted by WideSam

  1. Mine's here too... Can't remember where I put my ticket now
  2. Doesn't BIGD do stuff like that?
  3. Minehead sounds pretty good to me. Throw up a few dates and I'll put them over on UKLegacy and see if we can narrow it down!
  4. I had a similar problem- after changing nearly all the clips and pipes where necessary it turned out to be the metal pipe across the top of the block, under the inlet manifold... A bit of a sealant cured it pretty quickly. Also after realising just how much of a pain it was trying to bleed all of the air out of a subaru cooling system I invested in one of those radiator bucket things with an air line and a tap- so air can come out and fluid can go in at the same time. It was about £40 but just makes life so much easier!
  5. New clutch and crankshaft seal arrived today. All ready to fit on Sunday/Monday- I'll be lucky to get the car washed before JapShow at this rate!
  6. I'm in devon, a few guys on the UKLegacy forum were interested in doing something like this... There's a few others on here from round these parts too, hopefully they'll spot this too and we can get something organised!
  7. There's been a gen 3 one on ebay for ages
  8. Got it in 1! Live and learn I suppose. A bit of a pain to have to take the whole engine out again though!
  9. Welcome! Pictures are highly encouraged. Particularly by me if its a GTB
  10. It's all good fun really! And seeing as the engine was only out a couple of weeks ago, it should be fairly straight forward.
  11. Finally got the car running well after the coolant leaks and massive vacuum leak caused by some split brittle pipes under the intake manifold... To then look underneath and find a big patch of oil. Guessing it's the rear crankshaft seal, which we replaced. Looks like the engine's coming back out! May as well pop a new clutch in while we're there this time.
  12. Have to agree, it is an absolutely stunning car! Looking forward to seeing/hearing it in the flesh
  13. Coolant problem solved, wouldn't run properly or idle, no boost. Much head scratching later found an air pipe under the inlet manifold broken. Hopefully replace it with something tomorrow. Does anyone know if the new pipe being a slightly bigger would matter?
  14. WideSam


    I saw an old Subaru GL hatchback today. Certainly don't see too many of those around.
  15. I was meant to put this in the JapShow thread... It's been a long day
  16. I'm going to have to apologise in advance for my car definitely not looking up to scratch- the money and time to tidy it up seems to have all disappeared getting the new engine in and running!
  17. Turned out the starter motor hadn't been plugged back in... I think the 'simple' part of the problem may have been me!
  18. Got everything connected back up to the new engine, got it all ready to start, turned the key, heard everything prime, turned it the last click and.... Absolutely sod all! Battery is fine so it's not that, any other ideas?
  19. New engine is in! Just need to connect everything up, add some fluids and turn the key :D
  20. Engine's finally out! Just stopping for some lunch before swapping the turbos, inlet manifold etc into the new engine
  21. http://www.uklegacy.com/forums/index.php/topic/138530-sportshift-selecting-unavailable-after-razz/#entry728316 Hope there's something on there that helps!
  22. I seem to remember reading something about this... Usually occurs after a bit of "spirited" driving? I'll see if I can find where I read it!
  23. Cracking picture. I could've got a few very similar ones when I was down there a few weeks ago- until my car decided it didn't want to work anymore so we had to take my girlfriend's ford KA. Didn't really have the same impact at the legacy
  24. Spent 2 and a bit hours squeezing myself under the car to try and get 1 exhaust bolt and 2 brackets undone. I've successfully completed none of those! Looks like the saw will be coming out tomorrow I don't think I've got a career as a contortionist lined up either...
  25. Boost leak somewhere? That's about the point you'd be having the second turbo kick in...
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