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Everything posted by kayzarh

  1. shes a beauty and welcome to the forum and welcome back to the world of if in doubt flat out ;)
  2. id also consider changing to some racing brake fluid as that makes bags of difference from what i read around, not too sure abouts pads but i hear good things about ferodo ds2500 and also EBC orangestuff.
  3. I have a workshop manual but it's HUGE so what do you specifically want ?
  4. East park road, leicester, X-Reg silver classic Was an absolute beauty, i need to see it again :D
  5. I think this closes the first half of the project wooohooo, now it's operation brakes alloys and retune Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  6. Replaced the maf and the car is running completely perfect Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  7. brought a maf some dextron3 and going to do a powersteering flush aswell as replace the maf pretty sure that will solve all the problems with my car
  8. try and clean the maf5
  9. took the plunge and ordered a new remanafactured oem maf!
  10. there is also the ppg gearset which ive read good things about
  11. mint! and welcome
  12. But apparently it's remanufactured and quite a few have been sold I'm really stuck in a two minds 50quid remanafactured and 180 brand new, that could be £140 spelt elsewhere or saving up for a esl board Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  13. So which one would you recommend? What about monoethyleneglycol? Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  14. Woooow! I'm sure I watched a different video that made it look a lot more complicated than that... cheers man!! I was thinking about getting these plugs: http://scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=47_176&products_id=1254 Should I go for Grade 6 or 7? I was thinking 7 since I'm getting the car remapped? Is Ur scoob a 2.0 or 2.5?(those don't work on 2.5ers) I myself got NGK pfr6bs and to be honest I'm not sure so I'll leave that answer to someone else Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  15. Ill help you as much as i can as i have some experience on this myself and also you will find this motivating and helpful.
  16. It's pretty darn straightforward on our ej engines #boxerlife Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  17. @Sandals Ok i have changed the coolant myself and thus researched this quite a bit, what we need for out cars are NAP free coolants (Nitrate, Amine, Phosphate) I personally use this: fuchs fricofin £20 + £3 distilled water and bobs ur uncle. (makes 10L) OR Motul inguel £26 (makes 5L but i reckon our cars use 6.5l of coolant so ull need to buy 2) As for gearbox/diff oil: motul 300 £13 (2x for gearbox and 1x for diff). spark plugs are easy as pie honestly if i can do them so can you, just need to take off airbox and windscreen washer box the trick to spark plugs is: around the metal threads put some copper antisieze and use some silicone grease on the coilpack circumference inside to make life easier for the next time. Put in, tighten, once hand tight give it 1/4-1/2 turn and Ur done. idk about coolant flush i just ran plain water in mine for a week and then drained it yolo here is a video about flushing. (I could be very wrong about this all so make sure you double check with someone)
  18. what do you think guys ? this.
  19. so, i decided to plug the black connectors together and guess what im getting a error code 23 so its the MAF, took the MAF out again cleaned it up with electrical contact cleaner reset the ecu and double checked via the black connectors, disconnected them, ran the car a little and checked again and it threw out that error code so its time to get a new maf i guess. (brand new 183 from RCM) Or second hand for £50
  20. @savage bulldogs could i have a weak fuel pump? ive changed my fuel filter and ive gone back to stock airbox aswell as clean the maf, the first start of the day, it takes EXACTLY three cranks to start the car, also could the minor fluctations be due to a weak fuel pump. Can i swap out a walboro 255lph without a remap and with factory fuel lines? thanks
  21. 14v would be ideal Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  22. Don't do this, check your alternator first, I did this and my battery was fine, go get it checked in a shop then test you altSent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk After a run she started fine which seems like she's charging ok,I can put a meter on the alt to check charging but I guess it's down to lack of use Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Just get a multimeter put it in DC voltage and slap everything on fogs, stereo, AC, fullbeam and make sure it's above 13v Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  23. Don't do this, check your alternator first, I did this and my battery was fine, go get it checked in a shop then test you alt Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  24. returned the piper cross and fitted the stock air box back alongside a kn panel filter, changed the fuel filter, MASSIVE DIFFERENCE.
  25. Right lads, since im going to be making a SSM1 (<1997 DIAG)cable, i want to document and record everything here and hopefully it will help us out as a community. ill be following these instructions. Shopping list: 1) Audio harness adapter for Legacy 84-97 (Autoleads: PC2-29-4) 2) FTDI TTL-232R USB to 5v TTL cable 3) 2.54mm 0.1” Pin Strip (Maplin JW59P) 4) plain matrix board with 1mm holes on a 2.5mm matrix (Maplin: JP54) 5) LM358N Op Amp 6) 10k Ohm minature potentiometer 7) 4.7k Ohm resistor 8) 0.1uF Capacitor 35V 9) BL17 8-way DIL socket 10)copper wire 0.53mm ill continue when i manage to order all the stuff
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