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Everything posted by kayzarh

  1. http://www.alcyone.org.uk/ssm/usbhowto.pdf sorry about the late reply!
  2. seems almost perfect, does it have a way to show boost psi?
  3. Any chance you could share the link / document? I'll get it to you now, although there is a pretty hard to find part (I assume) and it also might just be more economic to buy it but let's see (although making it is super cool haha) Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  4. get in there leicester!! leicester!! we have quite a few scoobs if you ever need a hand just shoot me a message :P welcome btw
  5. no place to drill hole as its such a tight fit!!! i cable tied two massive one and then strapped the airbox in, i really need to source some of them clamps :/. good news is, the car has never started so easy before there is still minor fluctuation in revs +/- 50rpm im pretty sure that will clear when the ecu learns (i disconnected the battery for 30mins or so before starting)
  6. my mate is selliing an afterburner vortex for a hawkeye, idk if it will fit yours but check in the for sale section, good luck!
  7. thanks for the pointer, ive now found a document explaining how to make the cable and i will proceed to make the cable, thanks!
  8. isnt it just a bog standard odb2 to usb cable (i have one and it fits in just fine) ?
  9. anyway i could try it before buying it just to confirm it works?
  10. so i decided i made a retarded move to order a second hand pipercross kit, so i went and reinstalled the stock airbox back just now and ordered a kn panel filter from eurocarparts which i will pick up at 3pm today, i also gave the maf another good clean with some electrical contact cleaner. however my airbox is missing 2 of these clamps: anyone know where i can get some or can someone sell me some ?
  11. no one buy it so he puts it on his car!
  12. thanks, compare the market gave me an outstanding quote of 46k lol
  13. sort me out with the name of this insurance comapany!
  14. what insurance company was this ?
  15. @greyhound1racing Are you looking to DIY or go to dealer. if you are diying i also second ICP for parts. fill us in
  16. hey peeps hope your doing well, quick question, if possible, is there any computer management software for live monitoring of a 1997 uk turbo 2000 with a 8s ecu. So far ive tried the elm327 and the "freessm" via usb to odb2 cable. I really want to have a look at the live stats for my car to see the fuel trims etc and especially knock (if any) as i have a subaru which literally has all sorts of funky things installed such as a stage 2 clutch, ra gearbox, decat, a supposedly stock td04 turbo which has been debadged (??why idk lol) i really want to know if everything is fuelling and boosting properly Just wanna see how good if possible the ecu is adapting to all the funk. I pulled out some manual boost controller hoses and most importantly a funky superchip (which i need to break with a sledgehammer still :D) I also really want to map my own car so im learning all about ic engines at the moment and i hope to get a esl board strapped onto the 8s and get some road tuning in (whilst doing massive amounts of research). Any pointers/encouragement/discouragement will be really appreciated. Thanks for reading !
  17. Took a risk on a second hand pipercross induction for my suuby, looked in near perfect condition. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  18. @savage bulldogs Okay, so new problem is randomly starting to occur. first start of the day, the car wont start until a few cranks, there is a flashing cel (which i hear is bad news) :/ however once i start it and switch it off it all gets better. The jittery idle issue is back, also when i blip the throttle you can almost feel the pressure going through the exhaust in the car, is that normal? i cleaned the maf again with electrical contact cleaner, but this pipercross air filter (the one that came with the car) is releasing some purple stuff which seems to clog the mesh filter on the maf, is that normal or do i need to change it asap.
  19. I think my MAF was failing as it took a few cranks to start up. Took my MAF out and cleaned it with water (I'm retarded I know) seemed to start a little easier now true test will be when I crank it 24hrs later Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  20. A bird popped on my Scooby so gonna clean it, wanted to burp and add some new coolant but the pops is sleeping #decat Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  21. Ok couldn't wait for the replacement took the power steering pump bracket out for some play and managed to somehow squeeze in a clamp and seal it for good, temp won't even touch half on this baking day :D Ordered some Fuchs antifreeze cause ocd Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  22. Been looking some coolant, turns out the top radiator clamp went retarded and slipped off which is brilliant news really, just ordered a replacement from ICP Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  23. But but but, savage motorsports or savage plastering, pick your poison, Im going through a book about ic engines and next step is to hopefully wire and tune the esl daughterboard myself:D Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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