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Everything posted by kayzarh

  1. Blame all the unorganisation on gramps 😂😂😂 Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  2. been playing find the voltage drop with my subaru all day, shes fooking good at this game.....i called it quits for today lmao
  3. absolutely shattered, ill prob give another bash in the near future. i am going to work my way from the fuel loom all the way back to see where the voltage drops, i tried using needles as piggyback on the ecu connectors but they dont seem to be returning a reading eventhough i checked them for continuity :(
  4. I managed to get subaru 4 pots on my 16 oe silver wheels last week, it's a straight swap! Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. My grounding is all fine I've checked it all back to the ecu and its less than 1 ohm in all spots. I also found that the fuel pump is only getting like 5v so I'm going to start from the top of the book and start with diagnosing the ecu I've got pins all back probed on the ecu and I'm going to be following the book. Mechanic pointed out that 50a fuse blew so I had a big barstard short somewhere. What I'm going to do is make incision with a blade before and after every connector to see if I can find where the voltage drops from 12, if it is 4volts from the beginning of the ecu, maybe my ecu somehow got Fried :/ Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  6. Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  7. Alright that pervious post will be edited on the computer as in makes as much sense as fwd drag racing 😂😂😂 Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  8. As there was no operating sound ground the fuel pump it was time to tackle step 2: So I did that using this: Checking pin out on r58 connector No. 4; do you're probably wondering the fookh Is that right? Allow me to explain :D (basically pin out 4 on the connector that goes into the fuel pump) Low and behold, I got zero resistance, absolute fudge all. (multimeter on ohms, positive lead into the pin 4, negative touched on the body!) So then I moved onto: Now no one likes to pay people so, I'm going to try repair it using the wiring diagram: Notice, the r58 and the 4/1 pin on the right of it near the symbol of the fuel pump? Remember the pin 4 from the last picture that's the ground!!!! Which leads to connector r57/r15: . Now the logical step would be to check if there is ground comming from PIN3 on connector r57/r15. Because it is connected to the main grounding point in that harness!!!! Now you're probably thinking yep, that sounds about right, but where in the world can I find connector r57/r15 in the entire car, it could be anywhere. Allow me to show : First we look at the: And we find connector r15/r57: As we can see the ground connector is know as GB-8. So we gonna find GB-8 via : Oh hey look its GB-8! : Oh, look who else decided to turn up, Mr r15/r57: And we know that r15 is near r72: And we can check that the r72 is the rear abs sensor right: And that it is grey, while r15 is black! So what comes next? I haven't a clue, I'm just going to follow this book and type out what I've understood because I am not savage!! Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  9. So I've made some progress, very happy so far. Went through the fuel system diagnostic in my manuals. Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  10. Yeh, was awesome and awkward meeting everyone for the first time. So what's your name? No, not your real one, your forum one. LOL Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  11. And, it was super awesome to meet you aswell Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  12. Yah it was fudged but swapped it around with his but didn't get it fixed :( there is absolutely no ground signal comming from the connector according to the diagnostic book, gotta do a **** load of searching and go through the most complex diagram in the whole book Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  13. i found this ****** @savage bulldogsobviously after i pulled all the seats out and went through the diagnostics manual (u scan bruh @Gambit)
  14. All i see is P for !Removed! [emoji14] Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  15. What gearbox do you have I may have a rear diff for you! Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  16. That's why I never want a mechanic to touch my car!! They are very inconsiderate tbh!!!! Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  17. If you mean fosse Park roundabout then yh Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  18. I live in the middle so I'm guessing from the middle :D Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  19. me and my mate are coming from leicester, midlands! so if anyone wants to roll together or meet somewhere on the way im down!!
  20. Scoobs now has the bbbk on it Big ****** brake kit! Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  21. Anyway I can be sorted? Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  22. Any space for my scoobs or am I 2 late T.T? Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  23. I'm Leicester and so is momo Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  24. Got my gearbox in [emoji14] Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
  25. Alright lads we have a vb3fa in my scoobs now [emoji14] Only little problem was that after a bit of boosting, I was driving very calm and relaxing and the scoobs hit the Hot I pulled up in the middle of the road, put the hazards on and called a friend.... Only to find out the water was perfect, just a massive air bubble. Drove home and no leaks, temp was fine, according to my theory there is a clamp on somewhere very lose which is allowing a little coolant out and allowing air in which caused a air lock and shot the temperature up. Im going to take a look soon (back 2 work tomorrow :( Sent from my MX4 Pro using Tapatalk
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