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Easy cash method

Buy a rusty rebel for 3k, take to LSCustoms buy off road wheels stock, raider type at 5k. Then buy the sad trombone horn, it says it costs 26k but shouldn't affect your bank balance. Then sell. The car cost 3k, wheels 5k, horn 0k and should sell for 42k that's 34k profit in 5 mins and you can do this over and over without waiting if you need some cash, just check that the sad trombone doesn't affect your balance otherwise you'll lose money. It'll get fixed pretty soon.

It's working at the minute though

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It'll get fixed within a week or so I'll check later see if it's still working.

Must be the RUSTY Rebel, you have to buy the correct wheels and sad trombone mustn't draw from your bank. But you can do this every 3-4 mins if you buy a load at once then drive then down to nearest LSC. Don't do more than 1 million in one go as it could flag at rockstar. Don't sell any other cars at LSC otherwise you could be locked out for 45mins, buy nothing else in the garage and buy everything in the order ive said, wads of money. Better send this Tea Urn ( haha, that's predictive text for you, I meant Reaburn)

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Another new method? Well I'm up for wasting an entire evening once again tonight. Made 200k before I crashed out last night.


I'll trade you the method if you let me kill you 10 times, do a race with me and put a bounty on you and kill you. I'm going to try and do my daily challenges, today's involve a lot of killing it seems

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This new method gives me +7k per car tuned...the offer you put across is very one sided. I offer you a trade of method for all your conditions but against raeburn. I probably won't even get on.


I did tell you. You have to buy the same pickup as before. Go to High End Wheels, pick STOCK wheels (BE CAREFUL HERE AS THE CURSOR DEFAULTS TO CHROME WHEELS AND THEYRE EXPENSIVE) then buy the SHADOW wheels for $8780. Then go to horns and in order buy the MUSICAL HORN 5 and then the JAZZ HORN LOOP. That's it both horns should not charge even thought they're 25 & 50k. Then sell the car. Just keep repeating for big bucks.

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Of course, it's BT, I know I'm with BT but it's only because they were the fastest in our area.

Gambits only here because he can smell the money [emoji41]

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Yep OpenBreached said that I need to ring BT up and say I have a Broadband fault and not a line fault to get it sorted. I had 7 meg at one point I'm now down to 2.9 :( (sigh)


That's just crap service, you need to get through to broadband technical support team, they're really helpful

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