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GTAV.... 1st person mode?!?!


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Well, if this doesn't get the club members online in GTA V then I don't know what will. Apparently it doesn't matter what system you use you can still join the Subaru SOC Crew and wear the T-Shirt below. I haven't tested this so would deb useful if someone could. 


Anyone wanting to join and get this Tshirt must have a Social club account and either search for the crew "Subaru SOC" or message me with your account name and I'll send you a club invite



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I think the online stability has been a bit temperamental of late. Are you trying to access online from the single player or from opening screen, the other if not.


Also anyone wanting to link their Gamertag to the their Social Club account might find the youtube vid below useful



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Well I've just finished casing the jewellery store mission and now and for the last day neither Frankley or Michael have had any missions available, no one answers their phones so I'm a bit stuck now. Any way to delete a game save without affecting your online save?

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Well that sounds promising. They probably just went to the box and turned up your braid and speed, apparently the speed your broadband is is artificially held back until you pay more. It all goes down the same lines.

Hopefully we'll have better luck than we did last time. Must try far cry too as need to do the fortresses

Reactions might be a little slow as only got back in this morning at 3am.

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I got a bit of mop up work then I'll be on. You need to join social club crew, will send you an invite you're "Eros" right? Check on social club and accept them you get more points and cash online when playing with crew members so worth doing before we start later, plus you can wear your SOC clothing then

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No on the social club website, what did you assign as your account name. You're not in the crew unless you've been on the website and signed up to it. Logon to social club and tells what your nickname is snd I'll find you

You're past training because you could join online sessions last week

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