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Dashcams, show us your view!


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  • 2 weeks later...

not been on much recently, been mad busy at work. I've got a new phone (S5) and I've been using the autoguard app. I've had a few near misses, but most of them I didn't have the dash cam on (an hour and a half drive each way to nottingham kills the battery)
it was a mad 2 minutes on the M1 on monday, 3 near misses with lorries cutting me up, 50 seconds, 2 minutes and 2 mins 30

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something that has been bugging me is that since owning the Subaru I don't actually know what it sounds like from behind anymore :( . So I realised I could set up my Gopro behind the car... so I did! It's only a short vid and doesn't really have any revving just the occasional tap on the pedal due to it being cold. I will go a drive in a bit then get a better video!


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  • 1 month later...

Well here is my Nob of the day, having followed this chap in his silver BMW for a while and being held up while he did 45mph on a 4 lane carriageway, I decided to overtake, sensibly and safely. I then drove off and left him behind thinking nothing more of it. He on the other hand must have got his !Removed! in his hands about being overtaken because at the next roundabout there were road works and everyone else including the 2 cars behind me just drove around and were sliding into the available lane. But no, Mr Nob decided that he was going to race around the inside of the roundabout and pretend nobody else was on the road, mainly me. 


Well fine if that's your attitude I'm now going to point out to the whole world that Mr Nob who drives a Silver BMW Registration CP03LSZ with a fake MSport badge on the back presumably because he's a poor nob and really wants an M3 but can't afford the insurance that you're a nob.


Feel free to ridicule this sad pathetic little man.


here's the video, sorry there's no sound as I've removed it, Youtube don't like expletives and to be honest much of what I called him is probably very offensive to just about everybody!



And relax  :D

omg what a complete bell end !!!

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