So I'm gonna make one last post on this before I think the club should look to how they improve things for future shows rather than the negative.
This was my first show with the club and with some of the nice people I'd met on the forum Gambit, Stants, geoffleggy, Aucky and others, was really looking forward to the show and meeting new people... I even took the day off work Friday to make sure my car was clean/polished etc to be on the club stand. Being the only one which turned up, stood in the middle of a 20 car stand on your first club meet/show really cheesed (nicest words I could think of) me off and as people have posted didn't present the club in the best light with me and other people/clubs at the show.
If I had know I was the only one going then would have probably contacted another club like SOCOM or to be honest not gone.
None the less, two good things came out of the day, the stand next to us LADS (Lancashire and District Subaru owners club) where fantastic and I spent all day with those guys, couldn't have been more welcoming/nice people and secondly i won third in class for the hatch/new shape category :-) so SOC UK got a trophy at Scoobyfest.
I hope the other club events are better attended but to be honest I won't be attending anymore with SOC UK. I'll stay on the forum as you're a good lot with very little self professed experts :-) so much better then other forums I can mention. Thanks Gambit for the hard work and comm's leading up to the show.
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