Wotcha and welcome - no such thing a daft question particularly if you are just getting involved with something.
Having had the belts changed is a good thing, the engine should be good for another 100,000 if there is a consistent service history, you will need a new exhaust and turbo rebuild at some point but with a view to keeping the car for a while you could go for a stainless steel option with a lifetime guarantee. The turbo build will vary dependant on type, some have bearing rollers which whilst the offer better operation and last longer are more expensive in the first place.
On ebay for example there is a unit from a breaker for £80 or a brand new standard replacement for £500 or you could have your own rebuilt for about £350.
Main bearings can go if the shaft has not been properly aligned during manufacture but seeing as yours has done 100k just check for a noisy idle. There are a couple of video links on this site to engines that have had bearings fail on them so you know what to listen for.
Check for rust on rear wheel arches. milky coloured oil, clunking of bearings when on full lock and turning, tyre tread depth, all electrical things functioning.
As other come on line I'm sure they will provide additional info