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Everything posted by WideSam

  1. Do we have anything like this? A business card type thing with the forum address on it? I've seen a few nice cars locally and never seem to catch the drivers...
  2. Booked in for my map tweak with Bob Rawle today... Looking forward to learning a bit more about the process of mapping- it's all a big beyond me at the moment to be honest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I can stick something up if you like? Save you the 10 hour wait Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. "It's only money" is something I've heard myself say a lot recently too Nice to see it coming together!
  5. Valves are being but back in the heads today, meanwhile I've been taking bits off the old engine ready to go onto the new one while it's out of the car so it can be ready to just be dropped into place! Inlet manifold is off, I'm just about to tackle the turbos... Wish me luck
  6. WideSam

    Members map

    Thanks Gambit, I'll leave it alone now
  7. WideSam

    Members map

    Don't be cross! I thought I'd disappeared, but it was just taking its time to load. There's now a random point 12 floating around East Devon.
  8. Got home from work last night to discover a big bag of gaskets and seals had arrived in the post for me! Which means I do actually have a complete engine. Now it's just a case of putting the thing back together
  9. WideSam

    Members map

    Looking at the state of the floorpan and the sills, I may as well have been!
  10. Ooh, that's a beaut!
  11. WideSam

    Members map

    I think I've done it right... Despite trying to put myself about 12 miles out to sea to start with
  12. If you're looking at the older models, GT, GTB you'll only achieve it safely by converting it to single turbo. Plus obviously all the internals would need to be forged etc etc... I can't say I know much about the newer models- I know there's a couple of guys seeing the mid to high 300s by supercharging their gen 4's. It would be a pretty similar affair to getting big power from an Impreza, just in a bigger car- so if you want to drive it daily, I'd be a tad concerned it wouldn't be all that driveable.
  13. The other option is to find a complete engine and have that put in instead? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. It's honestly not as bad as it seems! I'd maybe have a quick search on the Internet for local independent specialists. The one local to me is brilliant- his knowledge is unbelievable! Best of luck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Well strictly speaking I've done it twice, don't know the full extent of the damage in the engine that's currently in the car, but the one we took the heads off of the bearing had completely worn away and the piston could come a few mm out of the top of the bore. In my case the crank will probably be scrap because of scoring etc (don't get them machined, I've seen what can happen there). However in your case it should all be fine and it'll be a case of swapping the bearings- think of it as prevention rather than cure. A cracked head will only be apparent on getting them checked, which you'll need to have done anyway. Luckily, if you need new heads, there's always idiots like me around knackering their big ends. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Oh yeah, forgot about Alyn- incredibly helpful guy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. My bottom end gave out after overheating. I'd recommend doing it. It'll be a fairly "simple" case of popping some new bearings in- at least nothing will be scored or damaged. It's a good chance to refresh everything again, I just got all the seals and gaskets for my heads for about £200, so you'd probably be able to get everything you need for under £500- obviously it'll be more if you're not doing the work yourself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Import car parts are always really good. Welcome to the forum! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Well, progress has been slow over the past month with, basically, a lack of money. However, I've just ordered all the new gaskets and seals etc to get my engine together! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Sadly I can't help with the removal, but just thought it might be worth mentioning that it's worth checking the wiring going to the door in the rubber thing going between the door and body of the car. Had this problem in my girlfriend's car. 7 years of having the door shut on the wires is bound to have some effect.
  21. Those are for the coil packs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hopefully that'll solve it. If not, I'd look at replacing your radiator cap. Hope it solves it, you really don't want an engine overheating, trust me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. They're a pain to bleed the air out of! Try parking it with the front of the car facing uphill and leave the radiator cap off over night. Top it up if it needs it in the morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Have you changed the coolant recently? Just wondering if you've got some air stuck in the system... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. It is an overflow, but it shouldn't fill to the top, there should be high and low marks on it. Does it suck back in after a while?
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