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Everything posted by mattiekane

  1. I'm extremely sorry to hear this! I'm sure there will be people along that will aid you in your quest! Loud pipes save lives
  2. Wipe it all down, fire it up and stick you head under and watch lol Loud pipes save lives
  3. What's everyone's thoughts...... https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/car-news/107097/new-noise-cameras-to-target-loud-car-exhausts#comment-4494587394 Loud pipes save lives
  4. +1 on savage for the boards Failing that, a low profile "race" jack works Loud pipes save lives
  5. Unfortunately due to my Impreza going catastrophically wrong I need to sell this project up. I'm going to definitely regret selling it but I have no other option. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F392310492378 If any one could share this about for me as well that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers guys! Matt Loud pipes save lives
  6. Has it got a boost gauge fitted? Loud pipes save lives
  7. Aye up, is tha Yorkshire lad? Loud pipes save lives
  8. I'd say it was the lack of space between the exhaust and the bumper myself Loud pipes save lives
  9. Bent the exhaust brackets down so you have a bigger air gap Loud pipes save lives
  10. Do you use any products on your face rug? Loud pipes save lives
  11. So, Subaru drivers get grief for been vapers(which I am), But what about bearded men(I am also one), and enthusiasts here? Loud pipes save lives
  12. Sounds alot like a plan [emoji106] Loud pipes save lives
  13. If it's just clear coat damage would it not machine polish out? May save yourself a fortune [emoji848] Loud pipes save lives
  14. Haha From the picture it looks in better shape than my blob [emoji85] Loud pipes save lives
  15. But of course that's only an issue on track days [emoji6][emoji23] Must admit, a good clay bar polish n wax makes a huge difference Loud pipes save lives
  16. Some of our work vans have limiters and they are just dangerous! As said above, they premote bullying and forcing into lanes, tail backs why over taking. All the vans where limited at the same place but none of them are the same speed, anything up to 2 mph difference, which doesn't sound much but it is! I've also been made aware that these GPS limiters consider slip roads as 60mph zones and it's not till your on the motorway it jumps to 70mph...accident waiting to happen if you ask me... I massively disagree with the limiters. 100mph limiter i could get on board with but what is proposed is just playground thinking. Loud pipes save lives
  17. It varies from place to place on how strict they are, if I can't get in my usual place then fitting an exhaust bung is usually enough to keep them happy, as for other mods, most places are fine as long as they ain't dangerous Loud pipes save lives
  18. Oooops, fair to say they are bent [emoji85] And a non bent one for a comparison Loud pipes save lives
  19. I'm sticking with heat soak into the oil causing it to expand and giving you a false reading Loud pipes save lives
  20. That's epic for all the wrong reasons!! Loud pipes save lives
  21. Awesome!!! Big question is, what's next for her? Loud pipes save lives
  22. https://legacypic.uk/transmission/search.php?code=tv1b4mb4aa Hth [emoji16] Loud pipes save lives
  23. I feel your pain! The more I look at mine the more I find! Front valance(under the rad) requires some attention from a welder [emoji24] Loud pipes save lives
  24. Ok, it's just what Google pulled up as Ive not particularly done much with Subaru wiring, but I agree with above definitely [emoji106] good luck, an may the Subaru god's be on your side Loud pipes save lives
  25. Try, Under the dash, beside the fuse box. 4th relay down Loud pipes save lives
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