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Can you place them anywhere? I saw a video and some guy had them on his field, didn't want to do that so left it. Now I'm getting a steady income I might invest. I've got a chainsaw, if the tractor gets stuck I cut the tree down and push it aside lol. It's just some fields have buildings and fences right at the edge. I've got the group of 4 fields next to the farm and now the big 2 fields next to the gain elevator, field 34 is one that's right next to a road and some wooden lodges... very frustrating :(.


I think you can put most things most places from what I've found. You can get saplings from the garden centre and a sapling planter, might be able to grass over the field first, but I've not tried that..

Are you on the American map, westbridge, that's the one I use

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Also using grass you can widen the border and that becomes your new field boundary, you can also split down large fields into smaller ones by putting a band of grass across it. The hired help stop and turn around when they meet the grass, you can also plough two small fields into one big one even across dirt roads if you need too.

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Also using grass you can widen the border and that becomes your new field boundary, you can also split down large fields into smaller ones by putting a band of grass across it. The hired help stop and turn around when they meet the grass, you can also plough two small fields into one big one even across dirt roads if you need too.

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That I didn't know... interesting :P Might have a play tonight see if I can change things around a bit. Probably join 4 small fields together to make a huge one!


What the hell are you lot all playing/talking about ?

Farming simulator 2015, it's a game on console. Sort of open world farming [emoji4]

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managed to hit 270mph in a veyron on gt6 :D lol

Result, was that on Le Mans or the straight on Nurburgring?

Or have they a test track on gt6, I don't know as I'm on Xbox so on Forza, I used to love GT series on my ps2 though

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Ah ok makes sense now, [emoji3]

Finally ranked up to 100 over weekend on bf4 lol

Yeah, sorry. Probably a bit confusing if you come on a subaru forum and there's two blokes talking about ploughing and grass and cutting trees down. It's actually a really good game, very therapeutic. I got some chickens [emoji16]

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Result, was that on Le Mans or the straight on Nurburgring?

Or have they a test track on gt6, I don't know as I'm on Xbox so on Forza, I used to love GT series on my ps2 though

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le mans long straight, one without the chicaines :D

next plan is try to hit 300 hehe


le mans long straight, one without the chicaines :D

next plan is try to hit 300 hehe

Video will be required for that I think ;-)

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Well I don't want to assume, and I don't think I saw the op about farming [emoji3]

Shame I don't get the time to play much at the moment, had a nice bonus and pay rise this month from work so when I get back from holiday may treat myself to xbox1


hehe :D see what i can do lol


only thing i just thought of it may be forza 4 not gt6 lmao can't remember which one i was playing lol


I wondered if the 270mph included making the bend at the end of the straight.

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yeah made it, left about 200 foot of tire line when brakes locked up though hahahaha


I did a race on Forza that Gambit will no doubt moan about. Someone had finished the race and I was few car lengths behind steaming down the straight on Nurburgring. The timer was just running out as Gamibt braked for the corner I opened the throttle and crashed into the wall. Result Gambit 3rd me 2nd. I did laugh, I gave him the place he rightly deserved, but I did laugh, though not as much as I did when i nearly rear ended Gambit in my black transit!

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lol, can't imagine why? lol


as soon as mrs goes to bed i'll fire it up and see what i can do. may have to look at other cars than veyron though


hahaha. i think we need a fastest speed thread. Could also do a fastest lap thread?

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