Well... what I thought was going to be a 1-2 hour job turned into a 6 hour job... what a ball ache!
First issue was a new nut and bolt I put on with the new downpipe was stuck after a single turn, so it had some movement but the nut would not budge. After failing with the hack saw I gave in and took the dremel to it. Once it was off i tried to see what caused it, looked like part of the thread inside the nut broke and got stuck.
Anyway, started getting everything else loosened off, moved onto the last nut on the downpipe and again, got it almost off then it just became stuck!! Gave it an almighty tug (that's what she said...) and then it came free.... not the nut,... the !Removed! stud.
Unfortunately I don't have a vice but i suspect it to be boogered... thankfully i had another bolt and nut that could be used in it's place.
So finally got it put all together at 8PM and no leaks!! Best feeling in the world... pure relief, especially since I was under pressure as my garage had a cancellation for their dyno for tomorrow afternoon and anyone who could fill it would get 15% off, so had to jump at that!
I now feel broken.... but excited for tomorrow