Na because you still get peppered by the usual cod players doing charge in spray everything. They went for an untouched era but had to make it act like a current warfare game to keep interest. I love the game just narks me a little about the rifles.
lucky_sid91 gamer tag. Yeah sounds good to me had a request from here already 3/5 ain't bad
252613577198. eBay. Half the price for 2. Used sainsburies for one when needed it urgently but used these ever since.
Piaa wipers worth it? Haven't changed them on this car yet but usually use halfords or bosh depending what discount I get
tried been close, perfect range, everything. no matter what one shot never kills unless its the headshot, the damage these rifles did at the time i think they made a huge mistake making chest shots 2 shot kills.
too wet to do car stuff, so picked up a ps4 pro. night of getting back into BF1 i think. gonna try hardcore, hope its back to the one shot kills. fed up of 'almost' taking people down then somehow dying.
172140664368 eBay number. I use one likenthat, cheap and cheerful and so far hasn't dropped the phone once. Pushes straight into a vent so keeps the windscreen free . Not a fan of the big ones you stick on personally
2625. But according to the Internet it makes 180,000BSP! Feels faster already, Brake squirrel power . Though not sure 1 duck has the strength of 68 squirrels, love to see that tug of war mind. But hey who can argue with Internet science
The war for more blue continues. Replaced breather hoses, catch can doesn't fit muppet listed info wrong on eBay. Gonna be fun finding a space for it on the left side.
Got some blue mats and conduit to do
Haven't looked into hydro dipping apart from paintball guns. Never even considered it for car bits tbh I'll check it out. Was just a random night on EBay and found some DIY carbon wrap lol
will get them breakers details shortly. Also found quite a few door mirrors
Yeah mate atleast I'll get the item numbers. My visors are cream and interiors a light tint of gold, didn't know if they colour matched to the paintwork or standard. Bit off topic but Debating on carbon wrap stuff from eBay for a change
3rd place with a 3-1 ratio is best recorded so far. sure did a better one but it didnt show me the scoreboard before it moved onto the second operation, bit gutted. had a right good roll with the sniping
yeah too much like call of duty atm, all fast paced close range machine guns. shame since battlefield 3 even on normal modes took alot less to kill.
though this is only half a clip to kill ;) .even with bolt action rifles unless its a headshot its 2 to kill even with a full damage rifle. does my head in sneak about shoot someone close and they turn round a pepper you.
very addictive though, probably have an hour or 4 on it tonight
Can one of you lovely people please tell me what this box is called and how to get the oil residue out??
cleaned the throttle body on one side gonna replace the breather hoses but also need to clean out the inside of the throttle body as its black rotten in soot and Oil