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Everything posted by Siluro

  1. Standard 4 pot subaru brakes are never going to be the best. The fade is horrible. Whats your budget? Talk to Godspeed brakes, they will supply you what you need. APs ouch for a road car. Oh yeah buy new decent tyres that is one of the best upgrades if needed or have cheapos on.
  2. If it makes you feel better my 2007 2.5 liter WRX does 22-23 mpg around town and can manage 28 mpg on the motorway or dual carriageway. Full tank £65 ranges from 210-300 miles. You need to work out what it is using and see if it miles away from the Manufacturer figures (which are generally bullsh*t anyway).
  3. With the cap off the system will not pressurise and will overflow from the cap as water expands under heat of the engine, all normal. This does not explain the leak at the stat housing though. Why would that stop maybe because the stat is closed it stops and when open it leaks. Good luck
  4. Your not making much sense "leaking from coolant". Sounds very strange though. Cannot see how it leaked and then stopped on its own. On a newage the thermostat has to be put in a certain way, jiggle pin at the top. Not sure if a classic is the same.
  5. I have heard other people state they would not put mitsomoto stuff on their car, now I see why. Luckily I only have the rad hoses. Glad you found the issue.
  6. The thermostat is housed where the bottom rad hose connects to the block on my Hawkeye. I recently changed my coolant and had an air lock and the bottom hose was cold. I managed to remove the air lock and now all is fine. The airlock would make it start to overheat and the fans could no longer control temps. I use a bluetooth dongle and torque app to monitor water temps as the gauge in the car is useless. What you describe can be the Head Gasket yes. This is why I asked if you done any work on the cooling system. I would drain the system and try again, check all your hoses for leaks and test thermostat and change if needed. If it has been standing then how does the HG blow. Fingers crossed it is your thermostat that is stuck(would explain cold bottom hose and overheating). Just replace it and try again.
  7. As Neil said more info. Do you know where the coolant leaked from? Had you done any work on coolant system before driving, change rad, filler tank etc. If so then likely airlock.
  8. I would do as Stuartie said and start again and refill very slowly via the turbo hose. This fills it from bottom up. Once air is trapped in the system it is very difficult to get out. Only real way is to start again. PIA but if you keep overheating it that will become expensive. Make sure the car is flat or point up hill when you fill it.
  9. Higgins in the WRX on the Isle of Man looks awesome. Hope they do it again.
  10. Here you go anyway.
  11. I have the manual in front me on how to reprogram a fob. Mine is a sigma M30 is yours the same? If so I will scan the page and upload for you.
  12. Fair enough then your right the UK are dumb. Subaru support the BTCC team though don't they? Tell me they do
  13. They do advertise during the BTCC broadcasts but that is about it (Family cars only) with the championship winning Levorg in the hands of the brilliant Sutton. Even in the BTCC they are penalised due with extra weight just below windscreen to equalise the lower center of gravity it has. The adverts I have seen are more about safety and family cars generally. They are trying to rid themselves of the boy racer image in this country for some reason and of course the WRX/WRX STI is no longer imported to this country directly so why would they market them here. Nothing sporty to market in the UK. Sad I know. Their market share is so small I guess they do not have the budget to advertise like the big German manufactures. In the USA they are on a roll as you say especially after the VW scam which help Subaru I believe no end. Generally Subaru do a great job of marketing their cars in different ways to other manufacturers. Goodwood hill, Isle of Man TT (at a Bike event), The Luge track, The ring record etc...
  14. Yep a Sigma alarm pad I have one in my Hawkeye. You can set certain things like disable bonnet, disable flashers with arm/disarm (illegal in uk) and all sorts.
  15. No. I have virtually many times in Sims. In a sim I know the track like the back of my hand. I could not finish the post as the page crashed. I was going say cool and not a bad time. Is the time gantry to gantry or the full course? It is on my bucket list. Never had a car worthy until now.
  16. Guessing is no good
  17. I normally would not like that for a road car but the orange i like. It is not to in your face. What lap time round the ring?
  18. Once air is trapped it is a bugger to get out if an airlock (hopefully). Best bet is to drain it out and start again. I refill from the big hose that goes into the filler tank, at back goes to turbo. This fills from the bottom up. Leave rad cap on and fill up (slowly) until filler tank is 3/4 full and then bleed as per repair manual (many videos on youtube). I even had a Subaru main dealer fill and try to bleed from the radiator doh (dashcam). So even so called pros do not know what they are doing. The cooling system on a subaru is rather convoluted. Is coolant being pushed out of the overflow tank after a hard run? It should raise and fall with the heat cycle. My hawkeye overflow tank when engine is cold at full mark when engine hot inch from the top (not brimming but quite high). Do you have dried coolant marks around the overflow tank as if coolant has spurted out of the tank?
  19. The first part of the graph looks normal upto 92 and back down to 80 when fans kick in. Thats how my hawkeye reacts. But the spike is not normal obviously. If the car does not overheat or push coolant out of overflow then it is likely the sensor or electrical. More info, was car just ticking over or while driving, as above coolant, hoses feel firm but not solid when hot, does the fan kick in, does the heater blow hot air, etc? Have you got the rad cap and filler tank cap on the right way round (been know to get swapped)? The winged cap goes on the filler tank (next to intercooler) and the non-winged cap goes on the rad. I assume a Bug is the same. Rad cap is just a release cap and the filler is a two way cap, when car cools the vacuum created sucks water back in through the filler tank cap. They must be on the right way round. Also if rad just changed do you have air lock in the coolant, can be ****** things to bleed all the air out. If not filled correctly this is easily done. Just a thought
  20. Depends how you think about it. If aftermarket only lasts 2 years then the OEM works out about the same if the broken one is the original from 2012.
  21. Wow £1600, how many accidents or points have you had? When I first bought my totally standard WRX (4 years ago) Adrian flux and Keith Michaels both said come back after you have had the car a year as long as you don't have an accident etc. I am 48 years old and have full no claims bonus. I insured it Esure at £670 for first year. I went back to Adrian Flux and now pay £500 a year (now with mods included). I live in a town center so my postcode is a real killer. Hope it is a 2006 model else it is another £530 or so for a years road tax. Now that really hurts considering the state of the roads and I only do 5k miles a year. So that is my story if that helps.
  22. Woops a 7.5 tonne lorry that will do it. That can be the killer with cars, some idiot can take it away from you in a second after pouring all that love and money into her. Happen to my big bumper mk2 Golf GTI 16v Last year made too J plate, only 34K miles written off by a £250 polo who failed to stop at a give way and ploughed into side of me. Not only that she somehow tried to blame me stupid b**tch and i helped her after the accident, lent her my phone (nokia3210 days) to call husband who was 7ft tall. Anyway they paid up in the end.
  23. All i can tell you my 2007 wrx made 267bhp with 335ft lb. Car is completely standard except back box and panel filter. How many miles, any mods, 2 or 2.5 liter? There is a post full of maps on this forum so you can compare. What is PPP STI supposed to do? Does not look too bad if totally standard but i am no expert by any means.
  24. On the opposite side of that my WRX was in a bump which required whole new wing and paint job. As a buyer you can see the evidence in the gutter of the wing when you lift the bonnet (one side shiny other original matt), and would put me off. I know it is not problem and would by the car again all day long. Tricky but in your case the fact there is overspray and the orange peel it has been done on the cheap. What else has been done on the cheap? If you feel they are covering it up then stay away. Subarus cost enough to run without issues and nothing is worse than a cosmetic issue like it has as it will always annoy you. From reading the whole post I would look for another.
  25. Welcome. Nasty how fast did the van reverse into your classic to write it off? I would still be sore too.
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