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Everything posted by Pommy

  1. Those are the connection with the MAF, and general shape. It has a green paint stripe on the top (can be seen in last photo but is glared.
  2. I'm also worried about the MAF, my intake is in the same area, possible use the current maf sensor where it is located and the take that part of the pipework off? WIll go take a photo now.
  3. Will this fit my car? http://uk.subaruownersclub.com/forums/topic/5706-intake-cone-filter-and-pipe/ Mine being a 2000 year turbo 2000.
  4. Overkill for piece of mind alone is worth it for me.
  5. I had what sounded like similar problems and was spark plugs. Would pull as it should under light throttle but full throttle resulted in juddering acceleration.
  6. Wait, isn't that how you're meant to overtake? Some of them are terrifying though, having a truck overturn coming round a corner at you scares the **** out of me.
  7. I'm not even going to dignify you with a response. Have got my point across and stick to it.
  8. This guy needs to go what an idiot. 0-60 on a motorway is possibly even more stupid than no brakes. Someone hits you when you are moving slowly and its game over. I honestly don't care one bit if you hurt yourself but if you hurt other that bothers me. If someone I knew did any of the above I would be on the ringer to the police and getting him done for dangerous driving, driving without due care and attention. and reckless endangerment.
  9. I agree with above, absolute !Removed! idiot, rear brakes are no where good enough in any emergency or even in normal braking. No matter how fast you are going. If anyone had stepped out you would have no chance whatsoever. And as above this guys should be banned from this forum, and from driving. Even without mechanical skill you know if you don't have a functioning brake (yet alone 2) you shouldn't be driving. !Removed! Moron.
  10. Keep us updated on how it all goes, the ride, etc etc
  11. Got my battery booster and jumped the car back into glorious life. Checked over turbo timer and attempted to reset alarm code with no luck:(
  12. I have looked at this briefly but not really my thing, going for coilovers instead but will be interesting to have someone with Air suspension. And as gambit says, your car so do with it what you please. But video evidence is definitely required.
  13. Definitely means you are a pain, but as above they won't complain too much as they make some decent money off it.
  14. Looks nice mate, always been a fan of Foresters. Enjoy and welcome. And as for embedding photo's use photobucket or another hosting site and then find the appropriate link
  15. There is a thread about this somewhere, general consensus is v-power but anything 99 ron is just as good really so Tesco should be fine, lots of members use it because it is closest. Heres the thread http://uk.subaruownersclub.com/forums/topic/4804-what-fuel-do-you-put-in/?hl=%2Bwhich+%2Bfuel
  16. Welcome to the club Regarding rear diff a quick search on google came up with this 'There are many rear diff options, and any of them can be used as long as the final drive matches the final drive of the rear diff of the donor car the transmission came from. Front axles should be interchangeable, but newer axles are thicker. CV strength has remained the same and are not a weak point. Rear open diffs can be found on most Subaru models. Rear LSD s came on some Legacy Turbos, Some SVXs, 2000-2001 2.5RSs, and 2002+ WRXs. While final drive ratios vary, the axle splines do not. Your diff choice governs which rear axles are to be used. You will either need rear axles from an open diff Legacy or GC/GF/GM Impreza for an open diff or rear LSD axles from a 2000-2001 Impreza 2.5RS (ask for axles from 05/2000+ to be safe) for a rear LSD.' At the bottom of the post here: http://www.subaru-impreza.org/forum/modifications-tips-tricks/29706-info-subaru-engines-conversion-principles.html And a tiny bit of info here: http://www.rs25.com/forums/f4/t40400-noob-rear-diff-question.html So seems like most are interchangeable, just check for ratios of final drive
  17. Also had an mx5 before this car, needed something bigger, constantly trying to convince myself to get another one as a second car. I might give that place a look at some point as its not too far from me, although the reviews aren't inspiring confidence within me. Maybe it has changed since you have been Stanton
  18. Yeah I would go through all the fuses and replace any shot ones, with luck that's all it will be.
  19. I got mine from eBay or amazon. Not sure which. Ships might sell it but you will have to give it a google.
  20. I have used them a few times. Pretty useful tools to have. But you do have to knock them on pretty well with a hammer.
  21. Irwin bolt grips are good rounded screws and bolts if you want to get the screw out.
  22. Would imagine the majority of parts are interchangeable. Subaru wouldn't want more costs than necessary between the saloon and wagon
  23. Went to start the car and dead battery :( ordered a battery booster so should be back working on Monday
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