It's Monthly Meet time again! As ever, it's at The Fairmile in Cobham.
Sunday 14th September
Full address for the pub is: The Fairmile Portsmouth Road Cobham Surrey KT11 1BW Kicks off from 13:00pm onwards! Eveyone with a Scoob is Welcome. Your welcome even if you don't have a Scoob, you just can't park on the grass :) As with the last couple of months, before adding your name to the list, please ensure that you read the following:Meet rules: 1. No idiotic driving on the roads surrounding the Fairmile 2. No damaging the Fairmile grass 3. No leaving litter/cans/pint glasses on the Fairmile grass 4. Do not partake in any other idiotic behaviour that gives Scoobies a bad name In addition we ask that only Japanese cars park on the grass please. Members are more than welcome to come down in non-Jap cars (or bring friends) but please, Japanese only parked on the grass (there is a second car park to the rear of the Fairmile if you don't want to park in the main area).