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Exert from recent press release,

Bectu is the UK's media and entertainment trade union and has around 25,000 members, a significant number of whom work at the BBC.

"We don't rejoice in today's announcement, but there is absolutely no doubt the BBC's decision to end its contractual arrangement with Jeremy Clarkson is the right one.

"Physical assault in the workplace is not acceptable, no matter how big the talent or how valuable the show."

As magic says neither is noncing it up but rolf, dlt and jimmy (who !Removed! anything in sight man woman beast dead or alive,) no doubt others got away with it. whole thing smacks of double standards,

What about the chap who said Clarkson was as bad as Savile, surely he should get the chop

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And it wasn`t in the workplace either it was in the pub. If you can`t have a little off duty dust up without someone crying to auntie. then it`s a pi$$ poor country we live in!

Clarkson reported himself to the BBC for fux sake. Why wasn`t it dealt with behind closed doors like everything else the BBC does?....someone couldn`t wait to get it all over the tabloids!


They sure didn`t have a problem keeping Jimmy and Rolf quiet all those years

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must disagree with Matt - Vicky (horseface) Henderson - Gawd awful presenter, it was bad enough when she was in Max Power, much preferred Penny Mallory of short lived Top Gear TV mostly because she had some cred through the rallying she did. But I would be quite happy to see more of Sabine


I remember VBH taking her Mum around the Anglesea circuit in a Lambo or something similar shouting "faster Mummy faster" - a real seal pup moment!

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I don't mind vicky she loves scoobs and I think shes a bit of eye candy but I still wouldnt watch it sabine is pretty hot too though lol. Id wait for Clarkson to do another motor show. I also read clarkson owns the stig rights too. So pretty sure top gear wouldnt be much left of the show.

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If im being honest im not bothered TG will be going


Its turned into the same old same old drivel


But as has been said they will sell out to the highest bidder and off they go again


Just as an observation Clarkson bangs on about hating motorbikes then goes and buys a house on the Isle of Man FFS


Im ready for a flaming now ill get the burgers out :)

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There's an interview with james may where said the 3 of them were a package and the reasons why were more complicated than most people understand, it was an interesting statement to make but sounds like they're off to the highest bidder.

The new top gear with new presenters will either have to be something completely different which probably won't work or they'll try to replicate the topgear we all know which again won't work. I can see top gear becoming like 5th gear.

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk

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