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Everything posted by Tidgy

  1. Sounds like an electricasl fault, not sure what a engine cleaner is gonna do :S need to find a specialist really.
  2. has the car been mapped for uk fuel? could be the cold weather is causing the issues.
  3. sounds like power steering belt to me, so see how you get on after that
  4. Welcome, get some pics up 🙂 any plans for modding?
  5. Basicly supply and demand, not many GX's are still on the road, or ever were in truth. Its a different shape to a turbo fitment which were much more common. Also cats arnt cheap in general either, your looking best part of £500 for one for any car. One option is to just decat it, as long as you can find a friendly mot place that will pass the emissions test for you 😉
  6. Oil cooler would be a very good idea as on track temps will get very high, also worth a set of decent gauges to keep an eye on temps/oil pressure etc
  7. I've been a draughty for past 20 years so i'm sure some of the stuff you've seen like me has been horendus, that actualy looks pretty good. Noice, might be worth insulating it then, some insulating panels would do the job well even with single skin.
  8. Noice, getting there then mate, are you planning on putting power in it?
  9. I've use scoobyclinic up at chesterfield for about 25 years now 🙂
  10. Try import car parts, should be able to supply oem springs, other option is a set of lowering springs.
  11. Welcome, looks tidy
  12. grats, get some pics up 😄 ebay may well be your best bet for a manual.
  13. the 2.0 is good out the box (kept within reason mods wise of course), 2002 onwards they don't have proper forged pistons, they use heated treated cast, but they are about 200000000000 miles better than the 2.5 out the box. (04 and 05 engines are pretty much exactly the same, 06 they shifted to the 2.5) Keep on top of maintenance and they are reliable even with some modding. One thing to bear in mind is your talking about a 20 year old car that was about £30k new to buy, so come service time bills will cost what they cost for a 30k car. Also at that age, it's highly likley it has wear and tare so will prob need some work. Rubber seal, bush's etc are the same on any car for example. I'm not trying to put you off by the way, just trying to make sure you dont get any nasty surprises, they are amazing cars and tbh very little out there compares to them performance and fun to drive, i've had them for over 20 years now and even an M3 didnt come close to the enjoyment. With a scoobs its MOS not MPG, miles of smyles 😄
  14. fair enough, the engines of that age are alot stronger than the more recent 2.5's, but as said, like anything harder you push, the shorter they last
  15. Welcome, 440 is pretty high on the stock engine even for an 04, other than the 2001 sti engine the 2004 was one of the stronger ones out the box, but it will reduce the longevity running at that power, by how much is tough to say though. I'm guessing its this one? https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202309041531719?sort=price-desc&advertising-location=at_cars&include-delivery-option=on&keywords=sti&make=Subaru&page=12&postcode=de59tu&fromsra
  16. Hi, most folks on here are english and i doutb many will speak italian, I;ve chucked your message into google translate 😄 'Good morning, I have a 2016 XV diesel my and the PCV valve needs to be replaced. The mechanic told me about a plastic valve with a small tube. It makes a brrrtttttt brrttttbrrrr noise and in a year it has consumed 1 and a half liters of Motul 5w30 oil. Subaru didn't write me a letter, but I noticed that during an annual inspection, the brake light switch was replaced without saying anything. You can see that when there is a recall, the Subaru workshop does the job without saying anything to the customer and so the peace of mind continues'
  17. Are they def the correct part number?
  18. have you tried import car parts? Also try searching custom windscreens on google, they typicaly make screens for classic or hand built cars, but being they are made to fit sure they could make you one if you can find a place.
  19. Tidgy

    EML light on

    Does it come back if you reset the code? Secondary air system is a know weak point tbh its gets humidity in it and rusts. Best bet would be to have ti removed and mapped out (dont listen to anyone telling you to just map it out and leave the bits in place, there are butterflys that need removing to prvent them !Removed! up the airflow)
  20. Ive got tein flex z on my hawk, ive found them to be a good balance between performance and ride quality
  21. uh, you prob wanna add a bit more detail of what your looking for, rebuild price? etc etc
  22. You prob will see a very slight improved MPG on a gentle run, but wont be huge so more a case of doing it for a bit more go than better economy.
  23. the vin number will tell you.
  24. You;d need to see/get a pic of the vin plate to get more details.
  25. So the wife has a new papa, a 2006 forester XT, well it was an XT, nwo some of you in the know might have spotted a few things off with it, yes, they are brembo's, ues they are forester sti wheels, yes that is a 6 speed gear knob, yes that is sti seats and yes that is a toucan, can you tell where this going yet? It's had a little work, the basic spec, Forged 2.5 6 speed sti gearbox sc42 turbo syvecs s7 with toucan perrin front mount perrin oil cooler perrin AOS Perrin inlet pipe and air intake brembo sti brake conversion all round gt spec wrapped exhauste headers usual supporting mods, injectors, fuel pump etc and the worst part, she has more power than me 😞 it's 420 on high boost,,,, damit! In all seriousness it's really nice, as happy tootling around as it isgiving it large haha p.s. yes i have threatened to take a 'few bits' off it to go on mine,,, haha
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