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Everything posted by shms

  1. sailed thru the MOT...happy days 🙂
  2. simple answer...no, 10-40 is fine.... long as it's pukka stuff. semi or full synthetic., depending on budget. and a proper subaru filter, , regular changes the most important thing.
  3. maybe you need to move....😀 soz i can't be more help...
  4. if i've got this right you should be able to scroll thru menu and set to UK as opposed to russia, i think it comes with various language/country options. i'm not familiar with that unit tbh. i think it uses a 3or 4G sim card, either way it's a big step up from mine. you need someone with more ICE knowledge !! (or try a Subaru main dealer) (or local car entertainment specialists) hopefully a member here can help you more 🙂
  5. +1 for petrol...but despite being tough as nails, go anywhere, brill in snow etc you'll be lucky to see much more than 30mpg,,maybe closer to 40 if you drive like a sleepy vicar... even the diesel (noisy compared to german equiv's) is hard pressed to hit 45mpg i don't think anyone ever bought a scooby for economy !! but it's pretty much the only drawback. jmo🙂
  6. hi karen, i'm pretty sure 2010 leggys had core2 dvd navigation...if you've got sd card maybe it's not the original head unit. you can get maps/updates from subaru toolbox(and elsewhere) but i was under the impression that only applied to recent model years. i'm sure someone with more info will be along to help. 🙂
  7. sounds like it could be a bearing (mebbe buy 1 and take with you in case) i do know it's always best practice to change all 4 tyres at same time, ,50% difference in tread depth is not a good plan imo...i'd bite the bullet and get a matching set then see if that improves the whine.
  8. the gen 4 legacy has the same options for the armrest but no idea if they would fit your fozzie....
  9. welcome and good luck with your search...🙂
  10. dirty oil can be a symptom of getting that code up (among other things) change it + gen' subaru filter then see... oh and welcome..can't help with garage as darn sarf !
  11. sorry for delay, only just seen this....afaik they should be oval like my 3ltr enclose pic of 2,5 currently on sale.
  12. howse about a tow ball mounted rack,,,much easier than slinging bikes on roof... *assumes you have a towbar !!
  13. got the letter last week for my OB,,, had all brakes/discs/pads done recently and know it's ok but will still take it in and get it signed off..
  14. cambridge to baldock is only 25 miles and i can recommend Quenbys... family firm and nice to deal with. https://www.quenbys.com/index.php#
  15. not knowing what rails you have but i bought some Cruz bars for my OB from here..about £100 nicely made and mid price range plenty of options out there...from basic cheapos to ally aerodynamics.. https://www.roofbox.co.uk/roof-bars/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImJTes-ON2gIVbbHtCh2lwgZXEAAYAiAAEgLUB_D_BwE
  16. that's a PITA footfarmer, sorry to hear your bad news... be a real shame to break it. i hope someone in here with diesel knowledge can help... https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C975291
  17. quick link is.... https://www.momentumcustoms.com/ Hi btw...
  18. Bonjour et bienvenue
  19. +1 for those Falkens,,had the same on my Mitsu Suv and still on my Avantime...great mid-range choice imo...
  20. i intend to fit x/c's when my (inherited) Toyos are worn down enough.. but just the cooking version !
  21. AFAIK 215x55x17 is not available in the SUV version of the x-climates...
  22. take a look at michelin cross climates too...pricey but 5* rated
  23. +1 for f'fox + adblocker
  24. nice ! welcome .
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