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Seems quite good that 1st choice for parts still getting quotes latest ones 194 


If you definitely know what section you need try messaging cobrasport (in Sheffield I think) . Ask them if they sell a oe equivalent part that can be fitted and won't have to be mapped afterwards .

At least that way you'll have a new exhaust section and something to come back on if after fitting it does require mapping .

I run a cobrasport 3" trackday friendly cat back and for a midrange price range system, I'm happy with the quality 


I've just ordered a part from 1st choice this Friday gone savage, could be cancelled an though wont be shipped till tomorrow, what is one equivalent? And are you talking about going down the decat route? 


No probs,  just thought if you knew what part you needed a aftermarket one might be cheaper than subaru one .

Oe stands for original equipment.😉

So if it's a aftermarket part that's oe spec, it should be a direct replacement that doesn't require "mapping in "


I've not had much look finding one of these aftermarket been looking for a few days now


Not.much luck just heard back from the parts shop the car they were taking the cat offs been decat'd... what do yas think itd cost to remap for removing the cat an be legal?


A parts shop just sent me this pic apparently it's off an 06 blobeye dont know if itll fit. Really losing the will here jobs fooked



It looks like the down pipe an 2nd cat off mine but together if that makes sense? 


Doesnt look like theirs the end cat on it though wtf? At a stand.still this is driving me up the wall


Thats all one pipe in that pic mate rather than having it in 2 sections if you know what i mean, as i've said before i'm not too clued up on the newage stuff but if it's the same shape as yours i would think it should fit


They may have done away with that 2nd cat on the later model as that 1st cat is enough to keep the emissions down 


Apparently that's off an 06 blobeye,  cant think why mines different I cant see an exhaust layout the same as that on any of the diagrams for different models,


If I was you I would take the car to a Subaru specialist if any your way and get it done and check for any other exhaust parts that are almost dead. Judging by what you found already there maybe more. At the moment your getting nowhere fast. They would do the exhaust and be able to map it if needed. Scoobyworld for example do away with one Cat and say it is MOT friendly (I just mapped mine standard, was going to do scoobyworld, still got and extra 90 ft-lbs). They map it and the extra bhp is noticeable and is worth it. If you are trying to do it on the cheap then maybe not. Could be cheaper in the long run this way.

I posted a link from Scoobyparts that should work with no cat and the advert says MOT/Map friendly. Give them a call or is that a bit too pricey?

Do not use any cheap copies of parts, always OEM or good aftermarket or it will become really expensive.

2 hours ago, Daryl said:

A parts shop just sent me this pic apparently it's off an 06 blobeye dont know if itll fit. Really losing the will here jobs fooked


If that is the O2 sensor on the far right i would say the cat section has been replaced with decat.


Just cant afford it right now mate just need.to get her goin for now cant really afford what I'm doing now tbh, was thinking about the sports cat route just replacing down pipe an cat with 1 piece


Scratch that idea then rossco😂  I'll just have to wait till this part pops up from somewhere then, unless their is a decat or sports cat somebody can find that doesnt require a map is that possible?

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