I don't think it is entirely to please the masses but to do with the good sales run they have had as well. Record breaking thanks partly to VW diesel gate, who ironically have decided to push electric, laughable. Also the masses want tech in there car which just adds a greater chance of something going wrong. My 2007 WRX has nothing like that and I like it that way. Less to go wrong. It all just works. To keep up Subaru has had to do the same as the rest.
All manufactures have there own recalls. BMW's catching fire, Fords ecoboosts overheating. The Focus RS very bad engine problems. Do these new Subaru owners actually look after their cars or treat like previous sh*t boxes or even now how to? Young uns today have no idea, cause they may get some dirt on them, god forbid. As most are acquired on PCP they do not worry about looking after it either as they are going to give it back and swap it for another as most get stuck in the agreement, insanity. They are becoming throw away items, and we want the world to become green.
As he points out it is really a trend for all manufactures. They don't make cars like they did in the 80-90s, look at the 2JZ that will never happen again. Sign of the times I am afraid.