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Everything posted by Greenmamba

  1. OK, then my guess is the esp warning light is connected with the ABS. Possibly faulty wheel speed sensor. Anything recent regarding wheel bearings? Has this condition always been there since you owned the car or did it develop recently, maybe after some work on the car?
  2. When you operate that switch do you see any fresh lights on the dashboard?
  3. ESP usually means electronic stability programme. Do you have a traction control switch (usually near the steering column and is it switched on? Otherwise, it may mean an issue with the ABS.
  4. Traffic Information. Allows TI to broadcast regardless of what source you've selected. The original source (cd, etc) should return when the traffic information message has finished.
  5. Try Romraider. More functional than Freessm. Your car is likely OBD II.
  6. The satnav Security message probably indicates the unit is a replacement which hasn't been coded to that car. The dealer should be able to sort that out. The recalls are likely to be brakelines inspection for rust, and replacement of passenger side airbag. The other item I can't help with, sorry.
  7. Can't drive it into a wall with that engine!
  8. Could be short in the wiring loom as it goes through the boot at the rear hatch hinges. Constant opening an closing of the hatch has caused some wiring to crack and break. Hence, juice going through the tail light wiring gets to the wire feeding the rear fog. You may need to peel back the rubber boots right hand side and inspect the bunch of wires.
  9. Are you sure the front fog light switch isn't in the on position? The rear fog light comes on via that, one unlatched indent past where the front fogs come on.
  10. Good luck with that. On my OB the Gunson adaptor did not fit the master cylinder reservoir for the brakes.
  11. Flushing the heater matrix involves removing the two heater (supply and return) hoses/pipes - black rubber about 25mm diameter, usually on the passenger side, engine side of the firewall. With both disconnected, insert hose and flush till the other side pipe/outlet runs clear. Reverse and repeat. Basically, you're flushing water not through the engine, but through the heater matrix built into the dashboard. Does the header tank bubble with the engine running? Does it lose coolant when it overheats?
  12. Sounds like you may be looking at a head gasket, particularly the mention of bubbles in the header. Fans blowing cold when it's overheating could point to a blocked heater matrix. HAve you managed to flush the heater matrix, both forwards and reverse? Checked the radiator is not blocked with debris, leaves etc.
  13. OK. Couple more questions. When you say the fans run cold, confirm that means the heater/air con? What about the radiator fans - do they work fine? When you burped it, was it on the level or nose-high? When filling the coolant, was the heater (in the car) working? Any bubbles in the coolant when the engines running?
  14. Firstly did you fit a genuine Subaru thermostat or a generic?
  15. Holts Radweld by another name
  16. OK. Assuming the heater core isn't clogged, and that the cooling system is properly filled - these cars need burping to get all the air out, there are a couple other options before you go thinking HG. Pressure test and/or leak down test. Subies with HG failure tend to either ooze oil/coolant outside the block/head, or pressurise the coolant but you say you're not getting coolant into the overflow so that's unlikely to my mind. Sniff test of exhaust gases in the coolant isn't a reliable tests I've heard, incidentally.
  17. Are there bubbles in the overflow when idling? Was it a Subaru OEM stat you put in? How's the radiator cap and are the fans coming on?
  18. OK. Standard OBD code readers generally read engine codes but not necessarily transmission codes. I use Freessm which does TCM codes as well. I assume the tranny is a 4EAT which likely takes when full nearer to 10 litres if it's got a transmission cooler. Assume you're checking levels with engine running in neutral? Maybe someone else with more experience on Foresters can chime in.
  19. Firstly there may/should be a code so if you have a code reader that an access TCM that will point to the likely suspect. Secondly, how much fresh tranny fluid have you used in the change thus far? A simple drain and fill only gets a portion of it. Thirdly, I assume the fluid level is OK?
  20. I believe the change took effect (higher tax bracket applies) for cars registered after 23 March 2006.
  21. Check if there's oil down that plug tube. Those seals are a source of problems sometimes.
  22. Plenty of ways. Simplest is using toothpaste or brasso and soft cloth. Halfrauds sell kits too.
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