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21 hours ago, Tidgy said:

getting there dude, pretty quick turn aroudn that

Yes bud , can't fault Rick at Ipswich accident repair for customer service or the attention to detail so far 😎


20 hours ago, stuartie said:

Looking good squire bet you can't wait to get it back 😉👍

Your not wrong there bud , feel like I've lost a limb ,certainly looking forward to getting it back . Ive misssed a few local meets and shows already 🙁


Next one is in bury st Edmunds in a couple of weeks,  should give me just  enough time to spring clean the bay 😊 

1 minute ago, savage bulldogs said:

Yes bud , can't fault Rick at Ipswich accident repair for customer service or the attention to detail so far 😎


Your not wrong there bud , feel like I've lost a limb ,certainly looking forward to getting it back . Ive misssed a few local meets and shows already 🙁


Next one is in bury st Edmunds in a couple of weeks,  should give me just  enough time to spring clean the bay 😊 

mines awol for 3 months 😞

  • Sad 1

Originally he said a 2 week turn around but what with me asking for more to be painted and a bank holiday, it's pushed it back a bit .

There's about 15 staff there and he uses the same blokes to strip and refit everything and 1 bloke to paint it . He says that way everyone is accountable for quality and there's no excuses if customers ain't happy 😎


The owner races a v8 engined 1 series and also owns a touring car prep company,  so the geo set up will be corner weighted by them afterwards 🙂


That is coming along so well that am really happy for you and I no it’s been a pain in the **** but you have to ask yourself 1 thing.

if you have never been hit would you of had all the other work done 🙂

its going to look so good in the sun at your 1 st meet and you will hear people saying how clean the car is.

if they where closer to me I would have them do some paint on my car 

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I did do panel beating , spraying and can weld to a iso (British standard) , so had intended to cut the little rust bubble out of the drivers side wheelarch ,prep the car and get a full respray done this year.

 I do like to do as much as possible myself and it's not like me to let someone else work on it . I do also know that i haven't got the time , space or equipment to paint a car to a good standard atm, so someone else would've had to spray it (after I'd prepped it)

Not that Rick is expensive for what he does but my "paint the scooby pot " probably wouldn't have stretched far enough to pay for his level of finish over the whole car .

So i had originally just hoped i could get over any paint imperfections in my sub £2k respray with my mop and various cutting compounds 🤔

 I'm certain it will look spot on when Ricks done and i won't have to touch it 😎 so it's probably better for the cars looks.

But for me and my girls , I'd much sooner us not been injured , done some of the work myself and not had my scoob damaged by that **** in the first place ...... Or he could've at least hit the drivers side as my kids were both sitting in the passengers side and the rust spot was on the drivers side rear 😶🙄😂


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I got sent a few pics today fronm Rick at Ipswich accident repair , they were taken yesterday,  so she's currently being reassembled 😊received_10157517404720968.jpeg.f10e5954663e62fa31c847af2f2d6a16.jpegreceived_10157517408525968.thumb.jpeg.d770141f5f4e8b234407d502b88685df.jpeg


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Wow that’s looking very nice 

sorry I did not mean that it was good to have been hit at all and sorry that your family was In the car.

it was just a quote to make you feel better about the hole thing 

  • Thanks 1

Yeah I know bud , I didn't mean it to sound aimed at your comment ,it certainly wasn't aimed anywhere in your direction mate 😊.


 Just the whole ballache of being hit while driving in a straight line with my kids in the car.

us being injured .

my own insurance company misleading me into thinking my excesive premium and mods list meant my car was worth more than £2.5k .

Having to make numerous phone calls to sort it out myself (thought that' what I paid them for )

Still not knowing if the Muppet that hit me has admitted liability yet .

Not knowing if it's gonna affect my premiums in the future .

And not having a scoob to drive through no fault of my own , has left a bitter taste in my mouth atm .

On a plus side I have more pics today 😁








Car insurance is an absolute ballache on claims these days.

I only got one underwriter who will give good trade policy cover with likely worthwhile evaluation on modded cars and imports.

Costs a !Removed! fortune and until we get a claim scenario don't truly know if they good and cost worth it .

Pretty much guaranteed it costing you, you need maximise your financial outcome from incident and be sure you fully compensated for injury and personal time/inconvenience .Seems current trend between insurance companies these days not chase down who liable and use lot of the fine print to reduce values/payouts .

Least car looks like it back better than ever and I assume any inquiry pretty minimal in the big picture .


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Unfortunately I'm not a try n get all can out of em sort of fella , I just wanted my car sorted and my kids to be better . So didn't take a hire car or claim for any inconvenience or the fact I wasn't earning as much  as I normally do due to having back and knee injuries. I assumed my insurance company would've "been on my side" and not have to be threatened with the omnibus in order to get their act together. 

But hey you live n learn lol 


insurance companies suck these days and hardly worth the cost besides fact legally need it, I totally get not being the sort of guy milk it for all can get untruthfully but you need factor in realistic losses as the insurance fookers don't even provide the cover you expected to get when take out the policy without major ballache.

future policies will be effected to some extent .My sister had an issue with an accident that never existed and even that haunted her for years and took massive amount of effort get fair deals and situation fully understood by underwriters and written or email response to the effect they accepted no previous accident history . .

Anyway look on bright side, all will recover, the car and the kids, monetary issue not big deal but insurance policies that don't live up to negotiated expectations bite my biscuit :-/

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Being a self employed plasterer by trade , I can't afford to take time off , as I don't get sick pay and my customers would go elsewhere.  Luckily enough I work with a friend of mine who has been very understanding and done most of the heavy lifting. 

Just thought I'd add that my main upset was with my insurance company and not my broker (flux) as although I did feel a little mislead by them , making it sound like I had a agreed value policy .the black and white of it was that it didn't say agreed value anywhere on my policy (Just value) .

I thought I should point this out on here just in case anyone else is unfortunate enough to find themselves in the same situation . 

All mods listed and declared, even if the mods add up to a substantial value, doesn't necessarily mean that your car will be valued any higher than book price by your insurance company.  Even if you have a higher than book price value on your policy , it doesn't mean it's a "agreed value" . Apparently they charge a extra £40 for that and the only real reason I had a leg to stand on was that in 7 yrs I was never offered a "agreed value policy " when renewing or listing mods . After all I would've paid up the extra £40 ,rather than take a chance on loosing £5k by my car being undervalued by my own underwriter. 

Anyways hopefully  ,physiotherapy is improving our injuries , it will soon be time too collect my scoob and I can get on with my fettle'ing .😊


That's looking proper mint mate been really good to see it progress in such a shortish time 👍, glad to hear you and the kids are getting treatment and getting better, once you hear that burble and feel the boost i'm sure all you're aches and pains will disappear 😎😉👍

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Think I'm gonna have to have a couple of beers tonight too help me sleep , feel like a kid on Xmas eve lol .

I' sure I'll be feeling a lot more positive once I've got her back , hell I might even start working on the bug again .

Just need to find a decent non abrasive wax to seal the paint while it' still a bit soft 😉


Wow that’s like new I like the look of this car so much I normally don’t warm to silver cars but for some reason This grabs me I think it’s just the right amount of black and silver looks aggressive 

and I must say that’s the cleanest body shop I have ever seen 

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You know you've brought up your teenage daughters right and married the right Mrs when all 3 of them are stood at the door Snapchat'ing the Scooby as I bring it home 😊

I'll give it a few days but the preface front end needs "something" imo🤔 maybe a  black grill in front of the fmic but hey it's  only been on the drive 5 mins and I wanna mod it lol   


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That look very good I think you are right with the silver fmic on my old one I had the fmic painted black so then it did not look like it had been cut but when you looked you could see it had a fmic 

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Yeah I'm well happy with the finish , only minor thing was that the engine bay was a bit dusty 😂 mind you I hadn't had chance to spring clean the bay , so it was well overdue

But It gave me something to do today , as well as putting some solution finish on the black trims and seal the fresh paintwork , so it's ready for cars on the green next Sunday 😉

Might have a play trying to fit the lower grill tomorrow .







Personally in my opinion(we all have them and they all stink), I love the car, but the white wheels that where on it in the body shop look the mutts Tess-tickles on it.


Looks da bomb either way






Them ones 🤤🤤

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I'm with you there bud , I love the look of white wheels but I've only ever had 1 set of white rims and got fed up with cleaning em all the time lol .

Those particular ones are 18" revolution melineiums off a mates gobstoper rep UK turbo , dubbed the "robstopper" lol .

It was in for a bit of paintwork at the same time and they used his wheels to keep mine mobile ,while my rotas were being refurbished 😉

I've been busy prepping the v1 for a local car show tomorrow, so have fitted ....

the lower grill , to hide the fmic for added old skool stealth .

A import sized front number plate , for looks and aerodynamics , cos the UK one was the size of a dinner tray 😂

And some oe sti wing badges, as she looked naked without em 😊

Found a (albeit rubbish ) Pic of robs "robstopper" which has been looked after by rcm for over a decade and is running a healthy 310 hp, on the standard UK lump with 260k on the clock 😎

And one of mine after "fettleing " the front end a bit 




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